

This is a library that allows C# and other .NET languages to use OpenBSD's pledge(2) syscall to restrict their permissions. If used on other platforms, the library will simply throw a PlatformNotSupportedException, which can be caught and safely ignored. On the event the pledge call fails, the library will throw Win32Exceptions, which again can be caught by your application, and you can fail as needed.

Mono seems to require the promises "vminfo cpath" at a minimum, otherwise, it'll crash on exit. From a quick investigation, it seems cpath is needed by shm_unlink and vminfo by the sysctl kern.boottime.

Building info

The only dependencies are Mono (4.2.1 from packages on OpenBSD 5.9 works fine - it'll very likely work on older versions of Mono, possibly by changing the compiler.) and Mono.Posix.

Just type make. The library and documentation will be created, ready to install into the GAC or for distribution. XML documentation is created as well.


After it's built, you can simply link in pledge.dll. pledgetest.cs contains usage examples and handling the exceptions it throws in the event your code isn't running on a new enough version of OpenBSD or it pledge itself encounters an error.


The license is the same as OpenBSD's. See the comments in the source.


Typing make test will create a small executable to test pledge, and execute it to see if it's working. You can then use mono pledgetest.exe and pass it promises to execute with those promises. You should be able to see its messages as it outputs to stdout unpledged, pledges, and then outputs to stdio again, with pledge. In the event the executable does something forbidden (like outputting to stdio) you'll see it fail.

# Pledging with the minimum parameters for pledgetest
$ mono pledgetest.exe stdio vminfo cpath
# When we omit stdio, the kernel will kill it when it tries to use it
$ mono pledgetest.exe vminfo cpath
Abort trap (core dumped)