

Using DTrace stories

A collection of using DTrace to debug system stories.  

A Look at Profiling: FreeBSD Sort

Arbitrary Kernel Memory Reads on Illumos

Ask DTrace: Why are my tests so slow?

Bruning Questions: DTracing Hardware Cache Counters

DTrace at Home

DTrace flamegraphs for FreeBSD and node.js

Debugging Emacs or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love DTrace

Debugging SmartOS #1 Finding Lock Inversions with DTrace

Debugging a strange iTunes permissions problem with DTrace

Debugging using system calls in Mac OS X

Dynamic tracing a Pony + Python program with DTrace

Erlang Dirty Scheduler Overhead

Example of a FreeBSD bug hunting session by a simple user

Finding out what's really going on, with DTrace!

Hooked on DTrace

How My Printer Caused Excessive Syscalls & UDP Traffic

How To Automatically Update Your Home Media Server Library With DTrace

Hunting kernel lock and interrupt latency

I/O analysis using DTrace

Lx_fix_netstack() ironically leaks netstack reference

My first (well, ok, third) DTrace hack

OpenSolaris DTrace for Home Media Servers, Revisited

Profiling Django with DTrace and cProfile

Reducing RAM usage in pkgin

Rust Profiling with DTrace and FlameGraph on OSX

Tracking input with DTrace on OS X

Tracking wait events with DTrace

Use DTrace to diagnose gdb issues

Using DTrace to measure mutex contention in Ruby

Using DTrace to understand mpstat and vmstat output