

Advent of Code CLI

A commandline interface to interact with the Advent of Code.


Commands / Features:

aoc-cli init [-l/--lang language] [-d/--day day] [-y/--year year] [--debug] [--no-emojis] [-c/--cookie cookie] [--task2]

Initializes a folder for the day, copies the template files of the given language and downloads your puzzle input. By default, uses the current day. If --task2 is given, also tries to download the second challenge description.

aoc-cli solve [task] [-l/--lang language] [-d/--day day] [-y/--year year] [--debug] [--no-emojis] [-c/--cookie cookie] [--submit]

Runs the code for the supplied day with the puzzle input. Also measures execution time. By default, uses the current day and task 1. If --submit is given, also tries to submit your solution, which is the last line of the output of your script, as the solution to the website.

aoc-cli test [task] [-l/--lang language] [-d/--day day] [-y/--year year] [--debug] [--no-emojis]

Runs the code for the supplied day with testing input. Also measures execution time. By default, uses the current day and task 1.

aoc-cli config list|[key] [value] [-l/--lang language]

Updates the config file. If list is given, lists all possible configuration values, including language specific configuration. See below for configuration file reference.


Persistent configuration is saved inside the aoc-cli-config.json file, and can be edited via a text editor, or the aoc-cli config command.

Configuration keys

KeyEquivalent cli flagDescription
language-l/--languageSets the default language.
noEmojis--no-emojisWhen set, disables emojis in the output.
cookie-c/-cookieSets the cookie for authenticating with the website.

Language specific configuration:


languages.python.executablepythonPython executable to run.

Supported Languages:


Adding new Languages