

Actions Case Police

🚨 Use the correct case, even on GitHub issues. Directly inspired by the original case-police.


To use actions-case-police, you'll need to prepare a GitHub access token. Please refer to this article on how to generate an access token.

You can integrate actions-case-police to your existing GitHub actions workflow by using Namchee/actions-case-police@<version> in one of your jobs using yaml.

Below is the example of using actions-case-police job in your action workflow.


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Use the correct case
        uses: Namchee/actions-case-police@v(version)
          access_token: <YOUR_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE>
          fix         : true

Please refer to GitHub workflow syntax for more advanced usage.

💡 You can use a special syntax ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} as your access token and the github-actions bot will run the job on behalf of you.


Every words that can be case-policed is stored in dictionaries. Please refer to the dictionary folder for all default words.

💡 You can also provide your own dictionary to be used with the default dictionary with the dictionary input.


You can customize this actions with these following options (fill it on with section):

NameRequired?Default ValueDescription
access_tokentrue-GitHub access token to interact with the GitHub API. It is recommended to store this token with GitHub Secrets.
fixfalsetrueDetermines if possible case fixes should be applied automatically. If set to false, actions-case-police will only log possible fixes in the action log.
presetfalse["abbreviates", "brands", "general", "products", "softwares"]Dictionary names to be used when validating word cases. By default, it will use all default dictionary. Comma-separated
excludefalse""Words to be whitelisted on case police. Comma-separated
dictionaryfalse{}Stringified JSON map that represents custom entiries for dictionary that will be used on case police.

Special Thanks


This project is licensed under the MIT license