Camera Packages - DIME
This repository contains the setup instructions and links to for the all the camera packages for the official implementation of DIME. The base repo containing all the information can be found at DIME - Models.
Packages part of the Setup:
We install two ROS packages to setup the camera module:
Setup instructions:
We advise you to use the
script in this repository to install all the required packages and setup the camera environment.
Launching the camera module:
- Use the following command to run the ROSLaunch file for a Intel Realsense camera:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch camera:=cam_<camera_number> serial_no:=<camera_serial_number>
- Use the following command to run the AR-tracker (we used a 4.4 cm AR tracker in the official implementation):
rosrun ar_track_alvar individualMarkersNoKinect 4.4 0.04 0.04 /cam_<camera_number>/color/image_raw /cam_<camera_number>/color/camera_info cam_<camera_number>_link __name:=cam_<camera_number>_ar_tracker
You can get the data from the camera stream and AR trackers stream from the respective ROS topics: /cam_<camera_number>/color/image_raw
and /visualization_marker
If you use this repo in your research, please consider citing the paper as follows:
title={Dexterous Imitation Made Easy: A Learning-Based Framework for Efficient Dexterous Manipulation},
author={Sridhar Pandian Arunachalam and Sneha Silwal and Ben Evans and Lerrel Pinto},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.13251},