

Gizmo Microservice Toolkit GoDoc Build Status Coverage Status

<p align="center" style="font-size:x-large;"> <B><I>As of late April, 2021 Gizmo has been placed in maintenance mode.</I></B> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/blogs/open/2015/gizmo.png"/> </p>

This toolkit provides packages to put together server and pubsub daemons with the following features:


Notice the capitalization!

go get github.com/NYTimes/gizmo/...

Import Path Change Notice

The New York Times recently changed the github organization from NYTimes to nytimes. This should not affect the installation as long as you use the proper casing NYTimes and not nytimes per installation instructions above.

However, the intention is to migrate the import paths to be consistent with how it's shown on GitHub. This will be a breaking change and we will introduce a major tag when we update the code. Therefore, the import path will go from github.com/NYTimes/gizmo/server to github.com/nytimes/gizmo/v2/server. This ensures that people will not have type-mismatches between import path changes.



The server package is the bulk of the toolkit and relies on server.Config to manage Server implementations.

It offers 1 server implementation:

SimpleServer, which is capable of handling basic HTTP and JSON requests via 5 of the available Service implementations: SimpleService, JSONService, ContextService, MixedService and a MixedContextService.


The server/kit package embodies Gizmo's goals to combine with go-kit.


The observe package provides observability helpers for metrics and tracing through OpenCensus


The auth package provides primitives for verifying inbound authentication tokens:


The auth/gcp package provides 2 Google Cloud Platform based auth.PublicKeySource and oauth2.TokenSource implementations:

The auth/gcp package also includes an Authenticator, which encapsulates a Google Identity verifier and oauth2 credentials to manage a basic web auth flow.


The config package contains a handful of useful functions to load to configuration structs from JSON files or environment variables.

There are also many structs for common configuration options and credentials of different Cloud Services and Databases.


The pubsub package contains two (publisher and subscriber) generic interfaces for publishing data to queues as well as subscribing and consuming data from those queues.

There are 4 implementations of pubsub interfaces:


The pubsub/pubsubtest package contains test implementations of the pubsub.Publisher, pubsub.MultiPublisher, and pubsub.Subscriber interfaces that will allow developers to easily mock out and test their pubsub implementations.


<sub><strong>If you experience any issues please create an issue and/or reach out on the #gizmo channel in the Gophers Slack Workspace with what you've found.</strong></sub>

<sub>The Gizmo logo was based on the Go mascot designed by Renée French and copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.</sub>