


ReflectionHLE, known for years as Reflection Keen, is a project consisting of source ports of DOS games, all being inspired by the Chocolate Doom port. These ports use a common codebase, consisting of the ReflectionHLE backend and third-party code.

The source ports in question are:

Terms of use

All corresponding license documents should be found under LICENSES.

Since the covered ports are based on multiple codebases with varying licenses, the terms are described for each source port as a whole, as well as the differing components.

Note that these terms do not cover any original game data, which should be obtained separately.

The terms applying to the source ports (i.e., the executables):

The terms applying to each component separately:

How to run a game

Note that ReflectionHLE does not include game data, which you'll have to obtain separately.

Depending on the environment (e.g., operating system) in which ReflectionHLE is used, you might be able to use the ReflectionHLE launcher and/or a command-line interface. Even if you prefer to skip the launcher, it may assist you when you want to tell ReflectionHLE where to locate compatible game data.

ReflectionHLE may autodetect existing game installations in specific locations which are internally scanned. You can also use the launcher to add other locations with game installations.

Using an application icon or executable

If you start ReflectionHLE by pressing on an application icon or executable, the ReflectionHLE launcher should appear. Here, you can see which game versions are supported, and which game files are required for each such version.

In addition to autodetected game installations, you can use the launcher to select a directory with compatible game data. Once it's confirmed such data is found, it'll be remembered for later uses.

Note that if you use an external launcher or shortcut which adds additional command-line arguments, this may change the behaviors. More details are given under following instructions for using a command-line interface.

Using a command-line interface

You can also start ReflectionHLE from a command-line interface, like Windows' Command Prompt. Doing so without passing additional arguments should generally be the same as using an application icon, albeit there can be differences that vary by the environment.

If you pass at least one additional argument, a game can be started without going through the launcher, unless you use -fulllauncher or -softlauncher.

If -passorigargs is used, the arguments that follow it are passed to the game as-is. The exact meanings of them can vary by the game.

You can use -gamever <VER> for selecting a specific game version. To show a list of supported game versions, use -listgamevers as the only command-line argument.

To read about more options, you can use -? as the sole command-line argument.

Skipping the launcher

If you simply want to start a game while skipping the launcher, you can use the command-line arguments -gamever <VER>, or alternatively, use -passorigargs with no other argument.

Note that you should first make sure that ReflectionHLE knows where to find compatible game data. See above for locating data via the launcher.

How to build from the source code

