

NVIDIA Displacement Micro-Map BaryFile

Repository for barycentric data fileformat '.bary'

BARY is an fileformat that serves as container for micromap data.

Micromaps store per-microvertex or per-microtriangle data for a micromesh that is the result of evenly subdividing a triangle.

Each subdivided triangle contains its own set of values, there is no sharing of values across subdivided triangles.

                /  \ 
               3 __  8
             /  \  /  \ 
            2 __  7 __ 11
          /  \  /  \  /  \ 
         1 __  6 __ 10 __ 13
       /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \ 
      0 __ 5 __   9 __ 12 __ 14
     W                         U

    Result of subdivision level 2 for 
    triangle W,U,V

    16 microtriangles
    15 microvertices

The file format is designed to be directly uploaded to the GPU and passing data structures into 3D APIs without additional processing.

bary_core library

This library defines the structs and principle file structure in memory and uses the bary namespace.

It comes with core API functions that operate on pointers to aid serialization or validation of the data. No allocations or file IO operations are performed in this library.

All content of a bary file is expressed via properties, that are idenfitied through a v4 UUID.

bary_utils library

The bary_utils library adds some utility C++ classes that leverage STL containers and adds basic file loaders and savers using stdio. It makes use of the functions in bary_core to implement many of these utilities and uses its own namespace baryutils.

By default CMAKE does not build this library and you must opt-in.

New VkFormats for barycentric micromaps

The primary use in 3D APIs for barycentric data are displacement and opacity micromaps. Displacement can be block-compressed similar to BC/ASTC.

However, any other scalar values can be stored in bary files for exchange, there just isn't a native 3D API use for them.

BARY uses VkFormat enum values, we reserved two Vk extensions (397 and 398) to get the value ranges below.

! NOTE: These could change, rely only what is provided in the headers for now !

// bary::Format uses VkFormat values
enum class Format : uint32_t {
    // opacity encoding (based on VK NV extension reservation 397)

    // block-compressed opacity format
    // for uncompressed 1 or 2 bit data stored in 8-bit
    // valueByteSize = 1
    eOpaC1_rx_uint_block = 1000396000,

    // displacement encoding  (based on VK NV extension reservation 398)

    // block-compressed displacement format
    // for compressed data stored in blocks of 512- or 1024-bit
    // valueByteSize = 1
    // valueByteAlignment = 128
    // minmax as eR11_unorm_pack16
    eDispC1_r11_unorm_block = 1000397000,

    // for uncompressed data 1 x 11 bit stored in 16-bit
    eR11_unorm_pack16 = 1000397001,

    // variable packed format
    // for uncompressed data 1 x 11 bit densely packed sequence of 32bit values.
    // Each triangle starts at a 32-bit boundary.
    // valueByteSize = 1
    // minmax as eR11_unorm_pack16
    eR11_unorm_packed_align32 = 1000397002,

// encodes 1 or 2 bit opacity maps
enum class BlockFormatOpaC1 : uint16_t
    eInvalid    = 0,
    eR1_uint_x8 = 1,
    eR2_uint_x4 = 2,

// encodes displacement maps of unorm11 values
enum class BlockFormatDispC1 : uint16_t
    eInvalid                 = 0,
    eR11_unorm_lvl3_pack512  = 1,
    eR11_unorm_lvl4_pack1024 = 2,
    eR11_unorm_lvl5_pack1024 = 3,

Principle dataflow

Here are some of the core data structures stored within bary files.

// gives details about what values are stored
// and how they are laid out across a triangle.
struct bary::ValuesInfo
    Format         valueFormat;
    // spatial layout of values across the subdivided triangle
    ValueLayout    valueLayout;
    // per-vertex or per-triangle
    ValueFrequency valueFrequency;
    // how many values there are in total (or bytes for compressed / special packed formats)
    uint32_t       valueCount;
    // compressed or special packed formats must use
    // valueByteSize 1
    uint32_t       valueByteSize;
    // valueByteAlignment must be at least 4 bytes, higher alignment only
    // if it is power of two and either matching valueByteSize, or if special formats
    // demand for it. (e.g. eRG32_sfloat is 8 byte aligned, but eRGB32_sfloat 4 byte)
    uint32_t       valueByteAlignment;

// provides key information for every Micromap Triangle
struct bary::Triangle
    // valuesOffset must be ascending from t to t+1
    // and are relative to the group that this triangle belongs to
    // for uncompressed: serves as indexOffset (valueFormat agnostic)
    // for compressed / special packed: serves as byteOffset (given valueByteSize is 1 for those)
    uint32_t valuesOffset;
    // the subdivision level of this triangle, influences how much
    // values are relevant to it.
    uint16_t subdivLevel;

    // if the values are stored compressed 
    uint16_t blockFormat;

// groups allow to store multiple groups of independent values and triangles
// of same value info in one file.
struct bary::Group
    // first/count must be linear ascending and non-overlapping

    uint32_t triangleFirst;
    uint32_t triangleCount;
    uint32_t valueFirst;
    uint32_t valueCount;

    uint32_t minSubdivLevel;
    uint32_t maxSubdivLevel;

    // for UNORM,SNORM,FLOAT values these
    // represent the final value range
    // (value * scale) + bias
    ValueFloatVector floatBias;
    ValueFloatVector floatScale;

// typical file content can therefore be accessed via a pointer view
struct bary::BasicPropsView
    // mandatory for all
    const Group*      groups         = nullptr;
    uint32_t          groupsCount    = 0;
    const ValuesInfo* valuesInfo     = nullptr;
    const uint8_t*    values         = nullptr;
    const Triangle*   triangles      = nullptr;
    uint32_t          trianglesCount = 0;

The following describes their relationship:

Looking at the data we store in file:

    for baseTriangleIdx in mesh.triangles 
        tri       = bary.triangles[ mesh.barytriangleMapping[ baseTriangleIdx ]  ];

        triValues = & bary.values[ tri.valuesOffset ];

        // these values are either per vertex or per triangle and stored in a canonical
        // spatial order according to the valueLayout

        for (i < computeValueCount(bary.valuesInfo.valueFrequency, tri.subdivLevel))
           value =  triValues[ i ];


Open Issues

Support Contact

Feel free to file issues directly on the GitHub page or reach out to NVIDIA at displacedmicromesh-sdk-support@nvidia.com