

[!WARNING] This page will be retired soon. With the release of nvCOMP v4.0, the examples and benchmarks in this repository have been moved to the CUDALibrarySamples GitHub repository. Documentation has been moved to NVIDIA Documentation Hub. Binary packages for nvCOMP can still be downloaded from the nvCOMP Developer Page.

What is nvCOMP?

nvCOMP is a CUDA library that features generic compression interfaces to enable developers to use high-performance GPU compressors and decompressors in their applications.

Example benchmarking results and a brief description of each algorithm are available on the nvCOMP Developer Page.

From version 2.3 onwards, the compression / decompression source code will not be released.

Known issues


  nvcomp/ #nvcomp API headers
  gdeflate/ #Gdeflate CPU library headers
  <Other nvcomp libraries that are used internally by nvcomp's APIs>
  libnvcomp_gdeflate_cpu.so # CPU library for gdeflate
  cmake/ <Package files to allow use through cmake>
  <benchmark scripts>


nvCOMP library API Descriptions

Please view the following guides for information on how to use the two APIs provided by the library. Each of these guides links to a compilable example for further reference.

GPU Benchmarking

GPU Benchmark source are included in the binary releases. Source code for the benchmarks is also provided here on Github to provide additional examples on how to use nvCOMP. For further information on how to execute the benchmarks, please view Benchmarks Page

CPU compression examples

We provide some examples of how you might use CPU compression and GPU decompression or vice versa for LZ4 GDeflate and Deflate. These require some external dependencies, namely:

The CPU example executables are:

gdeflate_cpu_compression {-f <input_file>}
lz4_cpu_compression {-f <input_file>}
lz4_cpu_decompression {-f <input_file>}
deflate_cpu_compression {-a <0 libdeflate, 1 zlib_compress2, 2 zlib_deflate> -f <input_file>}
deflate_cpu_decompression {-a <0 libdeflate, 1 zlib_inflate> -f <input_file>}
gzip_gpu_decompression {-f <input_file>}

Building CPU and GPU Examples, GPU Benchmarks provided on Github

To build only the examples, you'll need cmake >= 3.18 and an nvcomp artifact. Then, you can follow the following steps from the top-level of your clone of nvCOMP from Github

cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path_to_nvcomp_install>

The path_to_nvcomp_install is the directory where you extracted the nvcomp artifact.

To compile the benchmarks too, you can add -DBUILD_BENCHMARKS=1, but note this is only provided for an additional example of building against the artifacts. The benchmarks are already provided in the artifact bin/ folder.


To enable logging, set the NVCOMP_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to an integer:

By default, log messages will be written to a file named nvcomp_yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm.log, with the date and time filled in. If the NVCOMP_LOG_FILE environment variable is set to a valid file path, messages will be logged to that file. Specifying stdout or stderr as the file will log to the console via the appropriate pipe, with color.