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Dependency injection service container for Golang projects.

<p align="center"><img src="splash.png" width="400"/></p>



Quick Start

  1. Define an example service object.

    // MyService performs some crucial tasks.
    type MyService struct{}
    // SayHello outputs a friendly greeting.
    func (s *MyService) SayHello(name string) {
        log.Println("Hello,", name)
  2. Define a service factory.

    func NewMyService() *MyService {
       return new(MyService)
  3. Register service factories in the container.

    container, err := gontainer.New(
       // Define MyService factory in the container.
       // Here we can define another services depending on `*MyService`.
       // All dependencies are declared using factory function args.
       gontainer.NewFactory(func(service *MyService) {
    if err != nil {
       log.Fatalf("Failed to init service container: %s", err)
  4. Start the container and launch all factories.

    if err := container.Start(); err != nil {
       log.Fatalf("Failed to start service container: %s", err)
  5. Alternatively to eager start with a Start() call it is possible to use Resolver or Invoker service. It will spawn only explicitly requested services.

    var MyService myService
    if err := container.Resolver().Resolve(&MyService); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to resolve MyService dependency: %s", err)


    if err := container.Invoker().Invoke(func(myService &MyService) {
    }); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to invoke a function: %s", err)

Key Concepts

Service Factories

The Service Factory is a key component of the service container, serving as a mechanism for creating service instances. A Service Factory is essentially a function that accepts another services and returns an instances of services of concrete types or an interfaces and optionally spawn an error in the last return argument. Using service factory signature, the service container will resolve and spawn all dependency services using reflection and fail, if there are unresolvable dependencies.

// MyServiceFactory is an example of a service factory.
func MyServiceFactory( /* service dependencies */) *MyService {
   // Initialize service instance.
   return new(MyService)

// MyServiceFactory depends on two services.
func MyServiceFactory(svc1 MyService1, svc2 MyService2) MyService {...}

// MyServiceFactory optionally depends on the service.
func MyServiceFactory(optSvc1 gontainer.Optional[MyService1]) {...}

// MyServiceFactory provides two services.
func MyServiceFactory() (MyService1, MyService2) {...}

// MyServiceFactory provides two services and spawn error.
func MyServiceFactory() (MyService1, MyService2, error) {...}

// MyServiceFactory provides no services an error.
func MyServiceFactory() error {...}

// MyServiceFactory provides nothing. Sic!
func MyServiceFactory() {...}

The factory function's role is to perform any necessary initializations and return a fully-configured service instance to the container.

There are several predefined by container service types that may be used as a dependencies in the factory arguments.

  1. The context.Context service provides the per-service context, inherited from the background context. This context is cancelled right before the service's Close() call and intended to be used with service functions.
  2. The gontainer.Events service provides the events broker. It can be used to send and receive events inside service container between services or outside from the client code.
  3. The gontainer.Resolver service provides a service to resolve dependencies dynamically.
  4. The gontainer.Invoker service provides a service to invoke functions dynamically.


A service is a functional component of the application, created and managed by a Service Factory. The lifetime of a service is tied to the lifetime of the entire container.

A service may optionally implement a Close() error or just Close() method, which is called when the container is shutting down.

// MyService defines example service.
type MyService struct {}

// SayHello is service domain method example. 
func (s *MyService) SayHello(name string) {
    fmt.Println("Hello,", name)

// Close is an optional method called from container's Close(). 
func (s *MyService) Close() error {
   // Synchronous cleanup logic here.
   return nil

Service Functions

The Service Function is a specialized form of service optimized for simpler tasks. Instead of returning a concrete type object or an interface, the service factory returns a function that conforms to func() error type.

The function serves two primary roles:

// MyServiceFactory is an example of a service function usage.
func MyServiceFactory(ctx context.Context) func () error {
   return func () error {
      // Await its order in container close.
      // Return nil from the `service.Close()`.
      return nil

In this design, the factory function is responsible for receiving the context. This context is canceled when the service needs to close, allowing the function to terminate gracefully.

Errors returned by the function are processed as if they were errors returned by a standard Close() method to the container. This means the container will synchronously wait until a service function returns an error or nil before closing the next services.

Events Broker

The Events Broker is an additional part of the service container architecture. It facilitates communication between services without them having to be directly aware of each other. The Events Broker works on a publisher-subscriber model, enabling services to publish events to, and subscribe to events from, a centralized broker.

This mechanism allows services to remain decoupled while still being able to interact through a centralized medium. In particular, the gontainer.Events service provides an interface to the events broker and can be injected as a dependency in any service factory.

Container Interface

// Container defines service container interface.
type Container interface {
	// Start initializes every service in the container.
	Start() error

	// Close closes service container with all services.
	// Blocks invocation until the container is closed.
	Close() error

	// Done is closing after closing of all services.
	Done() <-chan struct{}

	// Factories returns all defined factories.
	Factories() []*Factory

	// Services returns all spawned services.
	Services() []any

	// Events returns events broker instance.
	Events() Events

	// Resolver returns service resolver instance.
	// If container is not started, only requested services
	// will be spawned on `resolver.Resolve(...)` call.
	Resolver() Resolver

	// Invoker returns function invoker instance.
	// If container is not started, only requested services
	// will be spawned to invoke the func.
	Invoker() Invoker

Container Events

  1. ContainerStarting: produced when container start method invoked. Synchronous.
  2. ContainerStarted: produced when container start method finished. Synchronous.
  3. ContainerClosing: produced when container close method invoked. Synchronous.
  4. ContainerClosed: produced when container close method finished. Synchronous.
  5. UnhandledPanic: produced when the panic is happened on container init, start or close.

Container Lifecycle

  1. New: The container is instantiated, and the reflection parsing of service factories is completed. The container ensures that service dependencies are resolved.
  2. Starting: Service factories are called to instantiate all service instances in container.
  3. Started: The container, along with all its services, are now fully operational.
  4. Closing: Upon receiving a close call or event, the container will invoke the Close() method on each service that has one, in the reverse order of their initialization.
  5. Closed: The container is fully terminated, and all resources have been released.