

License Documentation


(This is a research project, not an official NVIDIA product.)

<div align="center"> <img src="iconMilano.png" alt="Milano" width="250px"> <br> </div>



Milano (Machine learning autotuner and network optimizer) is a tool for enabling machine learning researchers and practitioners to perform massive hyperparameters and architecture searches.

You can use it to:

Your script can use any framework of your choice, for example, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit etc. or no framework at all. Milano only requires minimal changes to what your script accepts via command line and what it returns to stdout.

Currently supported backends:


How to Get Started

  1. Install all dependencies with the following command pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Follow this mini-tutorial for local machine or this mini-tutorial for AWS


We provide a script to convert the csv file output into two kinds of graphs:

To run the script, use:

python3 visualize.py --file [the name of the results csv file] 
                     --n [the number of samples to visualize]
                     --subplots [the number of subplots to show in a plot]
                     --max [the max value of benchmark you care about]