


Single cell RNAseq Signature scoring (JASMINE is an R script which could be used directly by using the functions without installation)

Input Data for JASMINE:-

1. A single cell RNAseq data matrix, where rows correspond to gene symbols and columns correspond to cells
2. A vector of marker genes(symbols) reflecting a biological process for scoring

Output of JASMINE :- Single Cell IDs with corresponding scores for biological process.

Authors:- Nighat Noureen and Siyuan Zheng

Email:- noureen@uthscsa.edu and zhengS3@uthscsa.edu

############# How to Call JASMINE Function ###########

data = Input data

genes = List of gene symbols for which scores have to be calculated

method = Enter the method for computing the enrichment. Method could be either 'oddsratio' or 'likelihood'

Result = JASMINE(data,genes,method =c('oddsratio','likelihood')) ## calling JASMINE