


A Tensorflow implementation of Google's QANet (previously Fast Reading Comprehension (FRC)) from ICLR2018. (Note: This is not an official implementation from the authors of the paper)

I wrote a blog post about implementing QANet. Check out here for more information!

Training and preprocessing pipeline have been adopted from R-Net by HKUST-KnowComp. Demo mode is working. After training, just use python config.py --mode demo to run an interactive demo server.

Due to a memory issue, a single head dot-product attention is used as opposed to a 8 heads multi-head attention like in the original paper. The hidden size is also reduced to 96 from 128 due to usage of a GTX1080 compared to a P100 used in the paper. (8GB of GPU memory is insufficient. If you have a 12GB memory GPU please share your training results with us.)

Currently, the best model reaches EM/F1 = 70.8/80.1 in 60k steps (6~8 hours). Detailed results are listed below.

Alt text


The dataset used for this task is Stanford Question Answering Dataset. Pretrained GloVe embeddings obtained from common crawl with 840B tokens used for words.



To download and preprocess the data, run

# download SQuAD and Glove
sh download.sh
# preprocess the data
python config.py --mode prepro

Just like R-Net by HKUST-KnowComp, hyper parameters are stored in config.py. To debug/train/test/demo, run

python config.py --mode debug/train/test/demo

To evaluate the model with the official code, run

python evaluate-v1.1.py ~/data/squad/dev-v1.1.json train/{model_name}/answer/answer.json

The default directory for the tensorboard log file is train/{model_name}/event

Run in Docker container (optional)

To build the Docker image (requires nvidia-docker), run

nvidia-docker build -t tensorflow/qanet .

Set volume mount paths and port mappings (for demo mode)

export QANETPATH={/path/to/cloned/QANet}
export HOSTPORT=8080

bash into the container

nvidia-docker run -v $QANETPATH:$CONTAINERWORKDIR -p $HOSTPORT:$CONTAINERPORT -it --rm tensorflow/qanet bash

Once inside the container, follow the commands provided above starting with downloading the SQuAD and Glove datasets.

Pretrained Model

Pretrained model weights are temporarily not available.

Detailed Implementaion


Here are the collected results from this repository and the original paper.

ModelTraining StepsSizeAttention HeadsData Size (aug)EMF1
My model35,00096187k (no aug)69.078.6
My model60,00096187k (no aug)70.479.6
My model ( reported by @jasonbw)60,000128187k (no aug)70.779.8
My model ( reported by @chesterkuo)60,000128887k (no aug)70.880.1
Original Paper35,000128887k (no aug)NA77.0
Original Paper150,000128887k (no aug)73.682.7
Original Paper340,0001288240k (aug)75.183.8



Run tensorboard for visualisation.

$ tensorboard --logdir=./