

NE15-MNIST Database

NE15-MNIST contains four sub datasets:
The code and example for generating Poissonian spikes from MNIST is located in the folder Poissonian.
Focal Rank Code Order:
The code and example for generating spikes from MNIST using Focol is located in the folder Focol.
DVS recorded flashing MNIST digits:
download from: https://goo.gl/ru0fXP
DVS recorded moving MNIST digits:
download from: http://www2.imse-cnm.csic.es/caviar/MNISTDVS.html

You are welcome to cite the paper if you use the database.
"Benchmarking Spike-Based Visual Recognition: a Dataset and Evaluation",
Qian Liu, Garibaldi Pineda Garca, Evangelos Stromatias,Teresa Gotarredona, and Steve Furber

We invite you to visit the Wiki page to find further information.