


Generates a ROM built with CMake This uses the https://github.com/DragonMinded/libdragon/tree/trunk/examples/vtest (as of 2023-01-01) rom as a sample.


Although there have been improvements, the latest libdragon does not (yet) support CMake out the box. All current steps below require at least one custom upstream component that may not always be inline with the latest available "official" improvements.

Windows with VSCode


Building the ROM: In VS-Code


See the current docker workflow file for how you can do it. By default, this build references the trunk branch. To change it, adjust the ref: trunk for the checkout.

Launching ROM

Windows with VSCode

Uses launch.json via tasks.json contained in the .vscode folder. NOTE: By default the applications are not installed and the paths will require updating. Hit F5 to load the ROM (once built).