

<!-- This file is generated by scripts/link-docs.mjs from docs/tinymist/introduction.typ. Do not edit manually. -->


Tinymist [ˈtaɪni mɪst] is an integrated language service for Typst [taɪpst]. You can also call it "微霭" [wēi ǎi] in Chinese.

It contains:


Language service (LSP) features:

Extra features:

Release Cycle

Tinymist follows the Semantic Versioning scheme. The version number is in the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The release cycle is as follows:


Follow the instructions to enable tinymist in your favorite editor.

Installing Regular/Nightly Prebuilds from GitHub

Note: if you are not knowing what is a regular/nightly release, please don't follow this section.

Besides published releases specific for each editors, you can also download the latest regular/nightly prebuilts from GitHub and install them manually.

To install extension file (the file with .vsix extension) manually, please <kbd>Ctrl+Shift+X</kbd> in the editor window and drop the downloaded vsix file into the opended extensions view.


See Online Documentation.


Packaging status


After development for two months, most of the features are implemented. There are still some features to be implemented, but I would like to leave them in typst v0.12.0. I'll also pick some of them to implement on my weekends. Also please feel free to contribute if you are interested in the following features.


Please read the CONTRIBUTING.md file for contribution guidelines.
