

VPN Hotspot

CircleCI API Releases Language: Kotlin Codacy Badge License

<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.mygod.vpnhotspot"><img src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en-play-badge.png" height="48"></a> (beta) SHA-256 fingerprint of the code transparency key certificate (must be compared with the developer's public key manually): C8 70 92 46 B3 32 22 6F 33 57 05 B4 5C 37 83 81 65 67 42 44 1B DC CC B2 96 1B 66 4D CF 4C 74 BC

Connecting things to your VPN made simple. Share your VPN connection over hotspot or repeater. (root required)

This app is useful for:

P.S. You can also do the similar on Windows, Mac, and iOS. I don't know about you but I can't get my stupid Windows 10 to work with hosted network now that they introduced this Mobile hotspot.

Features That Requires System App Installation

The following features in the app requires it to be installed under /system/priv-app since some restricted permissions are required. One way to do this is to use App systemizer for Magisk.

Installing as system app also has the side benefit of launching root daemon less frequently due to having privileged permissions listed below.

Whenever you install an app update, if there was a new protected permission addition (last updated in v2.17.1), you should update the app installed in system as well to make the system grant the privileged permission.

Settings and How to Use Them

Default settings are picked to suit general use cases and maximize compatibility but it might not be optimal for battery life.




Q & A

Search the issue tracker for more.

What changes exactly can this app do to my system? (and how to revert them)

No root?

Failed to create group due to internal error/repeater shuts down after a while?

This could caused by the Wi-Fi channel you selected is no longer available, due to:

  1. Your device doesn't support operating on this channel, or
  2. There is some nearby Wi-Fi direct device that broadcasted that it can't operate on the channel you picked.

For maximum stability, you need to set channel = 0 so that your device will pick a channel automatically. You can also use WPS to connect your 2.4GHz-only device to force the repeater to switch from 5GHz to 2.4GHz for this time.

Private APIs used / Assumptions for Android customizations

a.k.a. things that can go wrong if this app doesn't work.

This is a list of stuff that might impact this app's functionality if unavailable. This is only meant to be an index. You can read more in the source code. API restrictions are updated up to SHA-256 checksum 7aa0987aea4b25f5371b7e377c9f37375ada3b7e30465c0e2d910a5b646c10c1.

Greylisted/blacklisted APIs or internal constants: (some constants are hardcoded or implicitly used)

<details> <summary>Hidden whitelisted APIs: (same catch as above, however, things in this list are less likely to be broken)</summary> </details>

Nonexported system resources:


For ip rule priorities, RULE_PRIORITY_SECURE_VPN and RULE_PRIORITY_TETHERING is assumed to be 12000 (or higher) and 18000 respectively; DHCP server like dnsmasq is assumed to run and send DHCP packets as root.

Undocumented system binaries are all bundled and executable:

Wi-Fi driver wpa_supplicant: