Particle Editor
This is a editor of particle for LÖVE
About Particle Editor
- It has all function of Particle System.
- It is cross-platform. (Windows (32 bit), Mac OS X, Ubuntu (64 bit))
- It uses to Imgui as the UI kit.
- It can make/open/save a Particle File. (*.json)
- It can edit more than one Particle Object.
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Space: Pause/Restart the Particle Object's animation. (Hold Left Ctrl will to select all.)
- Enter: Reset the Particle Object's animation. (Hold Left Ctrl will to select all.)
- Up(Down) Arrow: Switch a Particle Object.
- Right Click: Move the Particle Object.
How to use?
- In ParticleEditor, you can make some Particle File to give your project to use.
- The Particle File's format is JSON, so you need to use the library of CJSON. (Already be included in the lib folder)
- You can use the specially function in the creation.lua to load Particle File and then to create Particle System object.
- The Particle File doesn't have Texture data and Drawing data, so you need to prepare yourself.