

<div align=center> <h1><a href="https://kubitect.io">Kubitect</a></h1> <img src="docs/assets/images/favicon.svg" width=200></img> </br>

What is Kubitect?

Kubitect is an open source project that aims to simplify the deployment and subsequent management of Kubernetes clusters. It provides a CLI tool written in Golang that lets you set up, upgrade, scale, and destroy Kubernetes clusters. Under the hood, it uses Terraform along with terraform-libvirt-provider to deploy virtual machines on target hosts running libvirt. Kubernetes is configured on the deployed virtual machines using Kubespray, the popular open source project.



Kubitect documentation is accessible at :book: kubitect.io.



All Kubitect releases are available on the release page. </br> It is recommended to use official releases, as unreleased versions from the main branch may be unstable.



Din Mušić and all contributors.



Apache License 2.0
