


Provides a C-like macro functions for javascript/typescript

This is a webpack loader, which uses saves macro definitions. Definitions are always imported from file to file.

To add to your config, simply:

{ test: /\.tsx?$/, use: [{ loader: path.resolve('../define_macro-loader.js')}]}

For applying it in your code, just call the following:

DEFINE(GetRef, (v) =>
    return {
        get(){return v;},
        set(val){return v = val;}

You can notice that it is quite strange at first time. Because we're setting the v, which should be the copied value.

That happens because this is not the copied value, it is the actual value passed to the function, so, any change to the "v" argument would change the argument passed to the function, then, we would be able to create functions that would not copy the value.

After the DEFINE call, you will be able to call your variable defined, in that case GetRef.

let myGlobalNumber = 500;

let globalRef = GetRef(myGlobalNumber);
globalRef.set(globalRef.get() + 200);
console.log(myGlobalNumber); //Prints 700

It is smart enough to replace any call of the "return" with a simply replace in place. The code output would be:

let globalRef = {get(){return myGlobalNumber;}, set(v){return myGlobalNumber = v;}};

So it is pretty much a simple copy and paste of any code snippet, allowing working with variable references inside javascript/typescript.

Some other simple examples:

DEFINE(Increment, (v) =>
    return v++;
let i = 0;

console.log(Increment(i)); //1
console.log(i); //2



Get the keyword typings:

//Macro Keywords
declare function DEFINE(varName : any, f : Function) : void;
declare const __LINE__   : number;
declare const __FILE__   : string;
declare const __EXPAND__ : void;
declare function STRINGOF(expr : any) : string;


v1.3.1 - v1.3.5


DEFINE(assertion, (expr, msg) =>
        console.error("Assertion for "+ STRINGOF(expr) + " failed: " + msg)

As a test, you can get the following call: assertion(5 + 2 > 10, "") will log Assertion for 5 + 2 > 10 failed: ; Notice that when you need to negate the expression, the parents ARE necessary.

v1.2.1 - v1.2.10

    console.log(lazy("Hello Lazy"));


DEFINE(_SWAP, (a, b) =>
    let temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

Yea, with the new macros, we get the possibility to make an in-place swap.


    toString(){return nameof(v);}

class Test

With that, Test will earn the method toString(), which will return "Test".