


WWDC 19 playground by Jari Koopman

Note: For a better game experience, turn on rotation lock

Hi! My name is Jari,
I'm a 17 year old Swift Developer from the Netherlands. My focus is on iOS, but I'm also really interested in Swift as a serverside language and am gearing to become a FullStack Swift Developer

Tilt is a game I created where the objective is to move a small red ball through a labyrinth without touching the walls in 3 different grid sizes:

The labyrinths are generated 100% randomly, and if you happen to not like the generated labyrinth, the game gives you the option to regenerate it.

Controls are really easy, you just tilt your iPad in the direction you want to move in. The ball will than move based on the change in gravity.

The game also features a minimap in the bottom left corner of your screen to see where you're going and to check if you might want to regenerate the labyrinth

I hope you enjoy playing :)

- Jari