


Host your own video downloading API! Built in homage to pytube but with an emphasis on privacy, utilizing Piped! Want to download a video from your favorite site, Piped? How about just the audio? How about an entire YouTube playlist? You came to the right repo! Using celery to create an efficient download queue, you can queue up as many downloads as you want and they will be processed in the order they were received and save them to a directory of your choosing.

Either download your favorite videos directly to your machine, or run a single command on your remote server and have it download your videos for you with your own local API!

Getting Started

This is designed to run in a containerized environment. However, it can be run locally as well if you have the correct dependencies installed.

The API has a few main endpoints that you can use to download videos:

Once the application has started, you can access the API at http://localhost:8069/docs for more information.

There is also a very important endpoint /set-proxies that will set the connection string to whichever Piped instance provides the fastest connection. Running this before you begin downloading videos will ensure that you are using the fastest connection possible. You should consider running this endpoint every so often to ensure that you are still using the fastest connection as the status Piped instances can change over time.


Containerized (Recommended)

You will need to have Docker installed on your system.

If you are unsure whether or not Docker is properly installed, Docker provides a test image that you can run to verify that everything is working as expected.

For ease of resources, a ready-made image was created on Docker Hub that has most of the dependencies ready to go.


For local usage, you will need to have the following installed:

Installing (Only needed for local use)

Poetry is used to manage the dependencies for this project. To install the depndencies for this project, run the following command:

poetry install

Running the tests (Coming in 0.4.0)

For simplicity, a Makefile command is provided to run the tests.

make test

if you wish to run the tests manually, you can do so with the following command:

pytest path/to/tests -k test_name


Containerized Deployment (Recommended)

To run the application in a containerized environment, a compose file has been provided. To start the application, run the following command:

make build-and-start

Local Deployment

To run the application locally, you will need to have a redis server running that Celery can connect to.

Then, you will need to start the Celery worker:

poetry run celery -A app.tasks.celery_app worker

Then you can start the API:

poetry run uvicorn server.main:vidyodl_app --port=8069

Built With


When raising a PR, please ensure that you have run the following commands when applicable:

make lint
make test


Project to use SemVer for versioning.


This project is licensed under the MIT License
