

<font color="#4b85eb"><h1>C Project: Algorithmic language interpreter </h1> <br /> </font> This project's aim is to understand the algorithmic language directly in order to be able to implement an interpreter of this language.

Our project must be able to be compiled on Windows (7, 8 & 10 at least) and Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and AntiX 16) with gcc compiler.

EDIT: You no longer need to change the file constants.h to make the program works on both Unix and Windows OS, the program detects the current OS by itself since release 1.1.0

The executable ExeTest which is provided was obtained by compiling all the sources (.c) files in the sources folder with gcc compiler:

If you see any mistake on our code, or a more efficient way to do it, please feel free to leave a message in the "Issues" or "Projects" sections.

Thanks for reading, enjoy exploring the project, or using our program