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Bib Kit - Hayagriva Extension for Firefox 📚

This extension allows retrieving website information to create citations in the hayagriva format.



This extension is highly experimental. Bugs are expected. If you encounter any feel free to create issues. I do not recommend using the extension at this state. If you are curious however what is working so far you can install the extension here


Screenshot Medium



With Nix

When you have the nix package manager installed you can just go into the root directory of this project and follow these instructions:

  1. Run nix develop to create a shell with all necessary programs and dependencies
  2. Go into the html-meta directory and run just build
  3. Go back to the main directory and run just build
  4. The extension should be built inside the build directory

Other Platforms

Install the following packages on your system:

Make sure your Rust installation is able to target wasm32-unknown-unknown

  1. Go into the html-meta directory and run just build
  2. Go back to the main directory and run just build
  3. The extension should be built inside the build directory


The icon made by Iconsax and all the source code is published under the MIT license.

