


介绍 | Introduction

本仓库将BiRefNet最新模型封装为ComfyUI节点来使用,相较于旧模型,最新模型的抠图精度更高更好。<br> This repository wraps the latest BiRefNet model as ComfyUI nodes. Compared to the previous model, the latest model offers higher and better matting accuracy.

安装 | Installation

  1. 进入节点目录, ComfyUI/custom_nodes/
  2. git clone https://github.com/MoonHugo/ComfyUI-BiRefNet-Hugo.git
  3. cd ComfyUI-BiRefNet-Hugo
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Go to comfyUI custom_nodes folder, ComfyUI/custom_nodes/
  2. git clone https://github.com/MoonHugo/ComfyUI-BiRefNet-Hugo.git
  3. cd ComfyUI-BiRefNet-Hugo
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt

使用 | Usage

示例工作流放置在ComfyUI-BiRefNet-Hugo/workflow<br/> The demo workflow placed in ComfyUI-BiRefNet-Hugo/workflow

工作流workflow.json的使用<br/> The use of workflow.json


工作流video_workflow.json的使用<br/> The use of video_workflow.json


效果演示 | Sample Result

社交账号 | Social Account Homepage

感谢 | Acknowledgments

感谢BiRefNet仓库的所有作者 ZhengPeng7/BiRefNet

Thanks to BiRefNet repo owner ZhengPeng7/BiRefNet

library_name: birefnet
  - background-removal
  - mask-generation
  - Dichotomous Image Segmentation:二分图像分割(DIS),指分割成前景与背景,二个集合,分割出高精度效果。
  - Camouflaged Object Detection:伪装物体检测(COD),偏工程向,旨在识别“无缝”嵌入到周围环境中的物体,例如野生动物保护、军事侦察或者工业自动化。
  - Salient Object Detection:显著性目标检测(SOD),自动检测图像中最具视觉吸引力的部分。
  - pytorch_model_hub_mixin
  - model_hub_mixin
repo_url: https://github.com/ZhengPeng7/BiRefNet
pipeline_tag: image-segmentation
license: mit

部分代码参考了 ZHO-ZHO-ZHO/ComfyUI-BiRefNet-ZHO 感谢!

Some of the code references ZHO-ZHO-ZHO/ComfyUI-BiRefNet-ZHO Thanks!

关注历史 | star history

Star History Chart