MCTS for Go in PonyLang
v 0.1: full implementation of the Go rules, including ko detection. Supports complete random playouts.
MCTS for Go in Rust
other engines:
v 0.2: basic MCTS, still almost always loses to GnuGo
For comparison, libego does about 7.6 k playouts / second, or 0.13 ms per playout.
2015-07-12: using a static lookup table for converting to opponent color brings a large speedup again! Now it's definitely faster than libego, only 0.085 ms per playout, or 11.7 k playouts / second.
|PT0.855230796S---PT0.857407068S---PT0.876214215S|, mean PT0.859361824S +- PT0.018331746S
2015-07-12: huge speedup by removing as much memory allocation as possible and using lookup tables for neighbour iteration:
|PT1.126971459S---PT1.130741602S---PT1.155741012S|, mean PT1.134396429S +- PT0.026916247S
This is faster than libego now! The winrate is unchanged at 45%, so it seems everything else is still working correctly :)
It might be worth investigating why I get slightly shorter games (455 vs 463 moves) and a slightly lower winrate for black (45.5% vs 47.5%) compared to libego.
2015-07-11: bit of a false alarm, not quite that fast after fixing atari detection:
|PT1.952084253S---PT1.964127458S---PT1.993767023S|, mean PT1.966033600S +- PT0.041374833S
On the plus side, win rates are a more expected 45% now.
2015-07-11: giant speedup by switching to libego inspired pseudo-liberties!
|PT1.661183028S---PT1.666016963S---PT1.695869809S|, mean PT1.668791982S +- PT0.030115182S
That's about 6k playouts per second! Nearly the same speed as libego now.
2015-07-11: some slowdown after fixing ko-handling:
|PT2.625271934S---PT2.635295411S---PT2.669489677S|, mean PT2.639132334S +- PT0.047698041S
2015-07-11: explicit list of empty vertices speeds up selecting random moves a bit:
|PT2.400072437S---PT2.405261632S---PT2.422357665S|, mean PT2.406048004S +- PT0.019124224S
2015-07-11: another speedup from storing string membership as integer based linked lists, only a bit more than 2x slower than libego:
|PT2.849937705S---PT2.850953776S---PT2.862720022S|, mean PT2.853414755S +- PT0.012636017S
That's 3.5k rollouts per second!
2015-07-10: better random move selection cuts time in half:
|PT3.781544956S---PT3.786354668S---PT3.797252693S|, mean PT3.787625374S +- PT0.014460112S
(duration of 10k playouts) Only 3x slower than libego now.
2015-07-03: now with better statistics, down to below 0.8 ms:
|PT7.698399799S---PT7.709610406S---PT7.750532471S|, mean PT7.713656318S +- PT0.043821621S
Or 6 times slower than libego.
2015-07-01: optimized to 1.6 ms per playout
2015-07-01: playout time 2.1 ms, missing 3 kos in 1000 rollouts
2015-06-29: playout time down to 10 ms, but missing 4 kos in 1000 rollouts
2015-06-29: playout time down to 20 ms
2015-06-28: playout time down to 150 ms
2015-06-06: 900 ms for a full playout on a 19x19 board