tutormanner <img src="hex_sticker/tutormanner_hex.png" align="right" width="300"/>
Housing some resources that support the manner of learning R through tutorials, with an emphasis on practical tidyverse examples
Tutorials for tidyverse data wrangling
- 1: transform data: transform data with {dplyr} and {tidyr}
Data Carpentry "R for Social Scientists"
Tutorial versions of the sections of R for Social Scientists
The hands-on exercises for BIDA302
lesson 1: transform data with {dplyr} and {tidyr}
lesson 3_2: introduction to plotting with {ggplot2}
lesson_3_3: factors and plotting—{forcats} and more {ggplot2}
The hands-on exercises for ESDL300
lesson 1-1: Introduction to R
lesson 1-2: transform data with {dplyr} and {tidyr}
The tutorials are build using the package {learnr}
{learnr} package website
Introducing learnr, Garrett Grolemund, 2017-07-11
Jumping from the tutorials into your own data
It might feel like this...