


Creates Hysteria 2 / Reality / Shadowsocks tunnels very fast with one command while having the ability to customize every option if you want.
Optimized for Iran



  1. VPS with Linux OS (Tests were done on Ubuntu 22.04)
  2. Optionally upgrade all your OS packages to the latest version (for security and performance)


  1. Run the following command in your VPS:
sudo curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MohsenHNSJ/TunlDigr/main/Dig.sh | bash
  1. Select the desired protocol
  2. Wait a few minutes and scan the QR Code

General Arguments

-tm (tunneling method):

by specifying this argument, the script will automatically pass the tunnel selection part and proceed to creation.
useful for one-tap situations.

-dpakup (disable package updating):

by adding this flag, the script will NOT update repositories and install required packages.
useful if you already have the following packages installed:
wget tar openssl gawk sshpass ufw coreutils curl adduser sed grep util-linux qrencode unzip snapd haveged

-dservopti (disable server optimization):

by adding this flag, the script will NOT optimize the sysctl.conf and limits.conf file.
not recommended

-dconinfo (disable connection information):

by adding this flag, the script will NOT show the connection information at the end of setup.
useful in case you have customized everything.

-dqrcode (disable qr code):

by adding this flag, the script will NOT show QR Code at the end of setup.
useful in case the screen resolution is too small.

-dstartmsg (disable startup message):

by adding this flag, the script will NOT show the startup message.

-setusername (set custom username):

the script generates a random username each time, you can override this behavior and provide your custom username to be used when creating a new user.

-setuserpass (set custom password):

the script generates a random password each time, you can override this behavior and provide your custom password to be used when creating a new user.

-settunnelport (set custom port for protocol):

you can set custom port for protocols.
Acceptable range is 0 - 65535. if input is invalid, it will be ignored.
default is 443

-setservername (set custom server name):

you can set custom name for the server to show in connection configuration link.
default is server host name

Hysteria Arguments

-seth2sslcn (set custom SSL certificate common name) (CN):

you can set custom common name for SSL certificate.
default: google-analytics.com

-seth2obfspass (set custom hysteria obfs password):

you can set custom password for hysteria obfs (salamander).
default is random

-seth2userpass (set custom password):

you can set custom password for authentication to hysteria 2 protocol.
default is random

Reality Arguments

-setxruuid (set custom uuid):

you can set custom UUID for reality protocol.
default generates random.

-setxrprivkey (set custom private key):

you can set custom private key.
MUST set -setxrpubkey too or it will be ignored.
default generates random.

-setxrpubkey (set custom public key):

you can set custom public key.
MUST set -setxrprivkey too or it will be ignored.
default generates random.

-setxrshortid (set custom short id):

you can set custom short ID.
default generates random.

-setxracslgpath (set custom access log path):

The file path for the access log.
The value is a valid file path, such as "/var/log/Xray/access.log".
When this item is not specified or is an empty value, the log is output to stdout.

-dxracslg (disable writing access log):

Disables writing access logs.

-setxrerrlgpath (set custom error log path):

The file path for the error log.
The value is a valid file path, such as "/var/log/Xray/error.log".
When this item is not specified or is an empty value, the log is output to stdout.

-dxrerrlg (disable writing error log):

Disables writing error logs.

-xrlogl (set xray log level):

The log level for error logs, indicating the information that needs to be recorded.
Acceptable range 0 - 4.
The default value is "warning" 3.
0 "none": Do not record any content.
1 "debug": Output information used for debugging the program. Includes all "info" content.
2 "info": Runtime status information, etc., which does not affect normal use. Includes all "warning" content.
3 "warning": Information output when there are some problems that do not affect normal operation but may affect user experience. Includes all "error" content.
4 "error": Xray encountered a problem that cannot be run normally and needs to be resolved immediately.
If input is invalid, the script will revert back to default value.

-xrlogdns (enable logging DNS queries):

Whether to enable DNS query logs.
For example: DOH//doh.server got answer: domain.com -> [ip1, ip2] 2.333ms.
Default disabled.

ShadowSocks Arguments

-ssedge (shadowsocks edge channel):

by adding this flag, the script will install the edge channel version of shadowsocks-libev