

R-Console on a mesos cluster

A fork from : https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/mesos-swarm-marathon

This Microsoft Azure template creates an Apache Mesos cluster running R-Cluster on a configurable number of machines.

<a href="https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FMohamedBassem%2Fazure-rconsole-template%2Fmaster%2Fazuredeploy.json" target="_blank"> <img src="http://azuredeploy.net/deploybutton.png"/> </a>

Once your cluster has been created you will have a resource group containing 2 parts:

  1. a masters machine in a master specific availability set. The master's SSH can be accessed via the public dns address at ports 2211

  2. a set of agents behind in an agent specific availability set. The agent VMs must be accessed through the master

All VMs are on the same private subnet,, and fully accessible to each other.


R-Cluster runs on the master machine and listens to port 5055. So it's accessible via "http://publicdnsaddress:5055". Mesos master runs on port 5050 and accessible via http://publicdnsaddress:5050.

Installation Notes

Here are notes for troubleshooting:

Template Parameters

When you launch the installation of the cluster, you need to specify the following parameters:

Common Tasks:

SSH-ing to the master node


DNSname : mesos

Username : meso

Resource group location : westus

ssh mesos@mesos.westus.cloudapp.azure.com -p 2211

Checking delpoyment logs

sudo -i
tail -f /var/log/azure/cluster-bootstrap.log

SSH-ing to a certain agent



Q. My cluster just completed but Mesos is not up.

A. After your template finishes, your cluster is still running installation. You can run "tail -f /var/log/azure/cluster-bootstrap.log" to verify the status has completed.