



Machine learning has been recently one of the hottest topics in business and science. In different settings, starting from the intuitive financial ones, through medical usages and ending in high-tech ones as speech recognition, people try to predict outcomes using different statistical models. Previously used algorithms such as linear regression, however simple and interpretable, now often give way to new, more effective models that unfortunately due to their complexity lack interpretability. To maintain both accuracy and interpretability of the model we can use model explanation techniques (so-called eXplainable Artificial Intelligence, XAI) that aim to explain such black-box models through various approaches. One of the most fundamental questions that can be posed regarding model explanation is how model response depends on features from a dataset, which can be answered using Ceteris Paribus Profiles. Such profiles show for given observation how model response would change with the change of its value for given variable, while keeping all other variables fixed (hence the name Ceteris Paribus - Latin phrase for all else unchanged).

ceterisParibusD3 package

ceterisParibusD3 package is an interactive (D3 based) extension of plots from ceterisParibus R package. It allows user to plot standard charts from the parent package for Ceteris Paribus profiles , i.e. each chart can include:

Each chart can be also divided into subplots (panels) per variable from dataset and be coloured by variable (to see interactions between variables) or model type (to compare model behaviours).

ceterisParibusD3 package adds to these plots:

<center><img width="600" src="img/interactivity.jpg"></center>

There is available an implementation of this package in R and in Python.


ICE curves for single observation:

<center><img width="600" src="img/individual_plot.jpg"></center>

ICE curves for single observation - model comparison:

<center><img width="600" src="img/mutlimodel_plot.jpg"></center>

More examples

To see more examples check this file and play with commented examples in code.

How to use / installation

You can load package directly from github along with its dependencies (see section Dependencies) - place this in the head of your HTML code:

// html header
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
 <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="https://rawgit.com/DataTables/Plugins/master/features/pageResize/dataTables.pageResize.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/MI2DataLab/ceterisParibusExt/master/ceterisParibusD3/ceterisParibusD3.js" charset="utf-8" lang="js"></script>

// example of usage in js script

var plot = new ceterisParibusD3.createPlot(div, data, dataObs, options);



ceterisParibusD3.js depends on d3.js, jQuery.js, DataTables.js and its plugin pageResize.js. In section How to use /installation you can find example how to include them on your page.


Package has one main function createPlot that is evoked on global package object ceterisParibusD3:

var plot = new ceterisParibusD3.createPlot(div, data, dataObs, options);


divstring or div element with idyesid of div container for a plot or div container itself (selected by call of e.g. document.getElementById("myDiv"))
dataarray of objectsyesdata with Ceteris Paribus Profiles curves coordinates, see details in section Data paremeters below
dataObsarray of objectsyesdata with observations used to generate Ceteris Paribus Profiles , see details in section Data paremeters below
optionsobjectyesoptions of the chart, see details in section Options below

Data parameters

data contains information about every point of Ceteris Paribus Profiles generated for observations from dataObs. Examples of these objects are included in examples, files such as example1.js include examples of data and files such as example_obs1.js corresponding dataObs arrays. There you can also find R script to generate such files using ceterisParibus R package.

We describe general form of array dataObs on the example_obs1.js shown below. Each object in dataObs corresponds to one observation for which given model predicted target value. In case of example_obs1.js our dataset has only observation no. 1958 and we predict its target value using one model (randomForest), so dataObs has just 1 object in it. Characteristic keys are: _yhat_ (keeps model prediction for given observation), _y_ (real target value for given prediction), _label_ (label of model used for prediction), _ids_ (id of observation). Combination of _label_ and _ids_ make given observation unique in array data. Rest of keys (i.e. m2.price, construction.year, surface, floor, no.rooms, district) are variable from given dataset - each variable has its own key-value entry.

    "m2.price": 4397,
    "construction.year": 2005,
    "surface": 20,
    "floor": 3,
    "no.rooms": 2,
    "district": "Wola",
    "_yhat_": 4094.3828,
    "_y_": 4397,
    "_label_": "randomForest",
    "_ids_": "1958"

General form of array data is described on the example of corresponding example1.js file, which extract is shown below. Each object in it corresponds to one point of Ceteris Paribus Proflie calculated for observation _ids_, model _label_ and variable _vname_. It includes analogical keys corresponding to dataset variables as array dataObs (here: m2.price, construction.year, surface, floor, no.rooms, district), and model prediction for these point in _yhat_. Below we can see two points of the profile calculated for observation 1958 for model randomForest for variable construction.year: one point with construction.year = 1920 and one with construction.year =1921 (while as you can see above in dataObs the real value of construction.year for this observation is 2005).

    "m2.price": 4397,
    "construction.year": 1920,
    "surface": 20,
    "floor": 3,
    "no.rooms": 2,
    "district": "Wola",
    "_yhat_": 4264.6774,
    "_vname_": "construction.year",
    "_ids_": "1958",
    "_label_": "randomForest"
    "m2.price": 4397,
    "construction.year": 1921,
    "surface": 20,
    "floor": 3,
    "no.rooms": 2,
    "district": "Wola",
    "_yhat_": 4291.5103,
    "_vname_": "construction.year",
    "_ids_": "1958",
    "_label_": "randomForest"


Options that can be set by options parameter:

variablesarray of stringsall variables from datasetnonames of variables to be plotted; should be compatible with variables from data and dataObs
show_profilesbooleantruenoIf true, ICE lines are plotted
show_observationsbooleantruenoIf true, observation points are plotted
show_rugsbooleantruenoIf true, rugs are plotted
show_residualsbooleantruenoIf true, residuals are plotted
aggregate_profilesstringnullnoIf 'mean', PDPs are plotted (calculated as mean of ICE's), if 'median' PDPs are plotted (calculated as median of ICE's)
widthnumber600nowidth of the plot, in px
heightnumber400noheight of the plot, in px
auto_resizebooleantruenoIf true, plot will be resized when its container will be resized (it includes resize of subplots, legend and fonts)
colorstring'#3F547F'noname of variable that should be used for coloring elements of the chart (use _label_ to color by model type) or color name/hex code; if categorical variable is set to be a color variable, it should have max. 10 categories
no_colorsnumber3nonumber of colors to be used for sequential palette when color is set as quantitative variable, from 1 to 9
add_tablebooleantruenoIf true, table with observations from dataObs will be plotted below plots (taking half of the whole chart height)
categorical_orderarray of objectsnullnodefinition of order of categories for categorical variables, each object in the array corresponds to one categorical variable and has key variable which value is string with name of variable and keys called rank1, rank2 etc. (number of these keys corresponds to number of categories of this variable) which values are strings with categories, see example in section Usage
size_rugsnumber1nosize of rugs, from 0 to 1
size_pointsnumber3nosize of points, in px
size_residualsnumber2nosize of residuals lines and points, in px
size_pdpsnumber3.5nosize of residuals lines and points, in px
size_icesnumber2nosize of residuals lines and points, in px
alpha_rugsnumber0.9notransparency of rugs, from 0 to 1
alpha_pointsnumber0.9notransparency of points, from 0 to 1
alpha_residualsnumber0.9notransparency of residuals points and lines, from 0 to 1
alpha_pdpsnumber0.4notransparency of PDP ines, from 0 to 1
alpha_icesnumber0.4notransparency of ICE lines, from 0 to 1
color_rugsstring'#3F547F'norugs color name/hex code, if not given color is taken from color option
color_pointsstring'#3F547F'nopoints color name/hex code, if not given color is taken from color option
color_residualsstring'#3F547F'noresiduals points and lines color name/hex code, if not given color is taken from color option
color_pdpsstring'grey'noPDP lines color name/hex code
font_size_plot_titlenumber16nofont size of plot title, in px
font_size_titlesnumber14nofont size of subplots' title, in px
font_size_legendnumber12nofont size of legend elements, in px
font_size_axesnumber12nofont size of axes elements, in px
font_size_tootlipsnumber10nofont size of tooltip text, in px
font_size_tablenumber12nofont size of table's text, in px
plot_titlestring'Ceteris Paribus plots per variable - predictions vs. variable values'notitle of plot
yaxis_titlestring'y'notitle of y axes


Example of code usage on exemplary data example12 and example_obs12:

var plot = new ceterisParibusD3.createPlot(div = "chartDiv", 
                       data = example12,
                       dataObs = example_obs12, 
                       options = {
                                   variables: ["district",  "floor", 'no.rooms'],
                                   color: 'district',
                                   show_profiles: true, 
                                   show_observations: true, 
                                   show_rugs: true, 
                                   show_residuals: true, 
                                   aggregate_profiles: 'mean',
                                   add_table: true,
                                   no_colors: 3,
                                   height: 400,
                                   width: 800,
                                   size_rugs: 0.5,
                                   yaxis_title: '',
                                   color_rugs: 'grey',
                                   categorical_order: [
                                   { 'variable': 'district', 
                                     'rank1': "Bielany", 
                                     'rank2': "Bemowo", 
                                     'rank3': "Mokotow", 
                                     'rank4': "Ochota", 
                                     'rank5': "Praga", 
                                     'rank6': "Srodmiescie", 
                                     'rank7': "Ursus", 
                                     'rank8': "Ursynow", 
                                     'rank9': "Wola", 
                                     'rank10': "Zoliborz"

and its output:

<center><img width="600" src="img/example_usage.jpg"></center>

Issues and suggestions

To report a bug or propose a new feature please review these guidelines:


Work on this package is financially supported by the NCN Opus grant 2017/27/B/ST6/01307.