

ModOrganizer2 - Python Proxy

This repository contains the Python proxy plugin for ModOrganizer2. The proxy plugin allow developers to write Python plugins for ModOrganizer2.

Setup, build, tests

This repository is part of MO2 main repositories and should usually be build using mob.


This repositories contains 5 sub-projects in src. The interface between Python and C++ is done using the pybind11 library. See the README in the subfolder (when there is one) for more details.

Some (woefully incomplete) tests are available under tests, split in three sub-directories:

Building & Running tests

Tests are not built by default with mob, so you will need to run cmake manually with the proper arguments.

You need to define PLUGIN_PYTHON_TESTS with -DPLUGIN_PYTHON_TESTS when running the configure step of cmake.

You can then build the tests

# replace vsbuild with your build folder
cmake --build vsbuild --config RelWithDebInfo --target "python-tests" "runner-tests"

To run the tests, use ctest

# replace vsbuild with your build folder
ctest.exe --test-dir vsbuild -C RelWithDebInfo