


Author: Maazouz Mehdi <br> Email: maazouz.mehdi95@gmail.com <br>

This work represents my contribution to multi-modal routing as part of my Master Thesis at Université libre de Bruxelles under the supervision of Professor Esteban Zimányi. This repository is a clone of the original located here. There is also a detailed workshop.

This project aims to show you how to connect OpenTripPlanner and MobilityDB and to display the generated trips on Qgis. The generated trips are multi-modal and focus on means of transport obtained via GTFS and GBFS data.

OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is an open source multi-modal trip planner, focusing on travel by scheduled public transportation in combination with bicycling, walking, and mobility services including bike share and ride hailing. Its server component runs on any platform with a Java virtual machine (including Linux, Mac, and Windows). It exposes REST and GraphQL APIs that can be accessed by various clients including open source Javascript components and native mobile applications. It builds its representation of the transportation network from open data in open standard file formats (primarily GTFS and OpenStreetMap). It applies real-time updates and alerts with immediate visibility to clients, finding itineraries that account for disruptions and service changes. OTP is released under the LGPL license. As of 2020, the codebase has been in active development for over ten years, and is relied upon by transportation authorities and travel planning applications in deployments around the world (more information).

Thanks to the API provided by OpenTripPlanner, we will be able to generate trips according to some desired parameters (time and date we want to leave, desired modes of transport, ...). MobilityDB will allow us to generate moving points to simulate the movement of people.

Modified version Of OpenTripPlanner 2.1

This modified version of OpenTripPlanner offers better compatibility with the GBFS format, specifically free_bike_status.json, station_status.json and geofencing_zones.json. You will find here a list of new cases that are handled by our version of OpenTripPlanner:


Optional Dependencies

Dependencies needed for user's documentation :


Please report any issues you may have.



otp-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar is a large file, so don't forget to make:

git lfs pull

after doing

git clone <project>

You can generate the tutorial in HTML as well as PDF format. The tutorial is generated in English ( currently working to generate the manual in French as well). For this, you have to run make_doc.sh with appropriate options in the cmake command as follows:

For example, the following command generates the documentation in HTML format.

bash make_doc.sh -html

Note that this file is at the root of the project. Moreover you may need to use sudo if make_doc.sh causes errors. The resulting documentation will be generated in the doc directory.

In addition, pregenerated version of PDF format is available :


Here you can see an overview of several trips generated by the OpenTripPlanner API and converted into MobilityDB format. This format allows us to visualize temporal points moving over time. This allows us to simulate and follow the trips of people in a city (Brussels in our example) (The video has been accelerated).


Here you can see a person walking from point A to point B while a second person makes the same journey, at the same time, by public transport (The video has been accelerated).


Here you can see a person making a trip from point A to point B. The green dot represents the person walking. The yellow dot represents the person waiting. The red dot represents the person making the trip by public transport (The video has been accelerated).


Here you can see a lot of people making trip in Brussels. The green dot represents people walking. The yellow dot represents people waiting. The red dot represents people making the trip by public transport (The video has been accelerated).
