



This project contains visualization of AIS dataset and Fabrìcio's Data on OpenLayers.


Build & Tutorial

In order to reproduce this visualization you need to :

  1. https://github.com/SoufianBk/MobilityDB-OL.git
  2. Execute in the working directory : npm install
  3. Run the build script and THEN the execution script : npm run build and THEN npm run start<br/>
  4. Finally to get the result, open the browser on localhost:1234

Datasets used

The data of Fabrìcio can be found in the following repository : https://github.com/MobilityDB/MobilityDB-Deck <br/> In order to change the data to display, change the variable at the end of var file = ... which is located at the start of each javascript file for each implementation

Th AIS dataset has been extracted as described in the report

AIS Example


Berlin Example



When running a script after another, sometimes, the browser does not reload and does not display the wanted execution. Here are some solutions :

  1. Do not forget to run the build script before running the execution
  2. Remove .parcel-cache and dist folders (generated by npm run)
  3. Clear the browser cache. On firefox just press Ctrl + Shift + R, it will reload the webpage and clears the cache