

Chrome App Developer Tool for Mobile (CADT)

Using CDE, cca, and CADT to develop Chrome Apps for Mobile

The Chrome App Developer Tool for Mobile (CADT) is a distribution of Apache Cordova App Harness that can run Chrome Apps. It is based on the plugins from the Chrome Apps for Mobile project.

CADT is an app for your mobile development device that makes it quick and easy to see your code in action. It provides the Cordova framework of Chrome Apps for Mobile so you can test your code by simply pushing your Chrome App assets to your mobile device (made easy with our tools), which is must faster than packaging up the entire mobile app. This is called live deploy.

With CADT running on your mobile device, live deploy can be initiated from your development computer with either Chrome Dev Editor (CDE) or the Chrome Apps for Mobile command line tool, allowing you to instantly preview the Chrome App you're editing, running right on Android or iOS. When you make a change to the code in your editor, you're a quick push away from seeing it straight on your device.

Installation Using a Pre-Built Binary (Android only)

  1. Enable USB debugging on your device (follow step 2 here).
  2. Download an APK from here.
  3. Run adb install android-armv7-debug.apk (of course, navigating to the appropriate directory first).

To start using CADT, follow these instructions for running your Chrome App for Mobile:

Option A: Live deploy with CADT

Things that don't work with CADT

CADT is amazing for rapid iteration cycles, but not everyting works the same as when deploying directly.

Building from Source (iOS or Android - instructions for iOS / Linux)

  1. Clone this repository:

     git clone https://github.com/MobileChromeApps/chrome-app-developer-tool.git
  2. Create a CADT project using createproject.sh. For instance:

     ./createproject.sh ChromeAppDevTool
     cd ChromeAppDevTool
     cordova build android
     cordova build ios

You can get more info using ./createproject.sh --help.

Release Notes

v0.13.0 (April 5, 2015)

v0.12.0 (March 24, 2015)

v0.11.1 (December 12, 2014)

v0.11.0 (November 18, 2014)

v0.10.0 (October 22, 2014)

v0.9.0 (September 12, 2014)

v0.8.2 (August 28, 2014)

v0.8.1 (July 11, 2014)

v0.8.0 (June 25, 2014)

v0.7.1 (June 17, 2014)

v0.7.0 (June 17, 2014)

v0.6.0 (June 17, 2014)

v0.5.1 (June 3, 2014)

v0.5.0 (May 27, 2014)