

metalsmith-react Travis Build Status

Metalsmith plugin to use React as a template engine

Is it possible to use React on the front-end to be able to use stuff like onClick?

That's a really good question. This can be probably done with metalsmith, but this tool is not the right choice. Not front-end oriented enough.

Have a look to Next.js instead !

Note that this module doesn't handle jsx. You might use babel(-node) to handle that.


$ npm install metalsmith-react


import Metalsmith from "metalsmith"
import react from "metalsmith-react"

new Metalsmith("./")
      pattern: "**/*.md",
      templatesPath: "modules", // default to "templates"
      before: "<!doctype html>\n",
      data: {
        some: "data", // you might be able to consume that as props in the template
      reactRender: "renderToStaticMarkup" //you can use "renderToString" if you want
  .build(err => {if (err) {throw err}})

See tests for templates examples


templatesPath (default: "templates")

Place to read react templates (class)

defaultTemplate (default: "default")

Name of the default template file (relative to templatesPath)

pattern (default: "**/*"),

Pattern to filter files. Used by multimatch

data (default: {})

Object passed to React component in addition to the file itself.

before (default: "")

Allows to prepend something before the rendered component (eg: {before: "<!doctype html>\n"})

after (default: "")

Allows to append something after the rendered component

reactRender (default: "renderToStaticMarkup")

React render method. You can use "renderToString" if you want.