


This is the repository for the Overwatch Workshop Website workshop.codes. Anyone is free to contribute or submit issues or requests regarding the website.

This website uses Ruby on Rails 6.0 and Elasticsearch. It's hosted on Heroku, using Bonsai for Elasticsearch.

The HTML and SCSS are structured according to BEM. JS does not follow any direct guidelines. Functions should be concise and limited. Files should be separated by their intent. No frameworks or libraries are used. Images should be losslessly compressed. SVG and WebP should be used wherever possible.


Follow this Wiki page to get started.

Environment vars

Create config/local_env.yml There's several Environment vars that are required for some parts of the website. All of these are optional. These are:

Rake tasks

There are several rake tasks you can use to make development a little closer to production.



There are 3 main launch tasks: Rails Server, Vite Dev Server, and Chrome. You can run all of them via the compound task "All".