

Updated for play 2.4.0 Added test specs

First steps with Playframework 2.2.1 (Scala) and MongoDb (Salat)

To-do application that uses MongoDb instead of Anorm

We will use Salat library for MongoDb (https://github.com/novus/salat). There is an alternative "mongo-jackson-mapper" module for Play 2 which can be found here http://vznet.github.com/mongo-jackson-mapper , but it's somehow harder to use and it's not Scala specific, more about differences can be found here https://groups.google.com/d/msg/play-framework/K7IrXyXvL8w/SElGiQ5kPaEJ


What next?

You may want to check a MongoDB Salat plugin for Play Framework 2 (Scala only) that can be found here https://github.com/leon/play-salat