

Pipelinex Image Processing

An example project using PipelineX, Kedro, OpenCV, Scikit-image, and TensorFlow/Keras for image processing.

<p align="center"> <img src="img/kedro_pipeline.PNG"> Pipeline visualized by Kedro-viz </p>


How to run the code

1. Install Python packages

$ pip install pipelinex opencv-python scikit-image ocrd-fork-pylsd Pillow pandas numpy requests kedro mlflow kedro-viz

Note: mlflow and kedro-viz are optional.

[Optional] To use the pretrained TensorFlow model:

Install tensorflow 1.x and keras-segmentation
$ pip install "tensorflow<2" keras-segmentation Keras 
If you want to use TensorFlow 2.x, install fork of keras-segmentation modified to work with TensorFlow 2.x
$ pip install "tensorflow>=2.0.0" Keras 
$ pip install git+https://github.com/Minyus/image-segmentation-keras.git

2. Clone https://github.com/Minyus/pipelinex_image_processing.git

$ git clone https://github.com/Minyus/pipelinex_image_processing.git
$ cd pipelinex_image_processing

3. Run main.py

$ python main.py

As configured in catalog.yml, the following 2 images will be downloaded by http requests and then processed using opencv-python, scikit-image, and ocrd-fork-pylsd packages.

Image Image

4. [Optional] View the experiment logs in MLflow's UI

$ mlflow server --host --backend-store-uri sqlite:///mlruns/sqlite.db --default-artifact-root ./mlruns/experiment_001
<p align="center"> <img src="img/mlflow_ui.png"> Experiment logs in MLflow's UI </p>

Tested environment

Simplified Kedro project template

This project was created from the GitHub template repository at https://github.com/Minyus/pipelinex_template

To use for a new project, fork the template repository and hit Use this template button next to Clone or download.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://help.github.com/assets/images/help/repository/use-this-template-button.png"> </p>