


A simple zsh function to make management of zsh named directories easier. It keeps all named directories in a file and uses grep, sed, echo, and perl to parse and modify this file in order to add, change or remove bookmarks.

Because it uses the zsh named directory function, full zsh path completion is possible. For example, if you wanted to access the directory /Users/me/Work/Project13/Samples/FromEster/July/ and that directory had many subdirectories including the subdirectory ./Revision6/pictures, you could easily bookmark the parent directory with the command:

cdbk -a ejul /Users/me/Work/Project13/Samples/FromEster/July/

Then, to cd to the subdirectory, just type cd ~ejul/Revision6/pictures, autocompletion will work too.

This file also provides the function folder_name(), which returns a formatted list of the names of the current folder for use in a prompt. To include the folder name in your prompt use e.g.: export PROMPT=$PROMPT $(folder_name)

Very simple cdbk completion is included to make replacing and deleting bookmarks easier.

This program was heavily inspired by Stan Angeloff's function of the same name found here: http://blog.angeloff.name/post/1027007406/cd-with-bookmarks-and-auto-completion-for-zsh

Usage: cdbk {-a,-r,-d,-l} <name> [path] (run with no paramaters for info)
       -a: Create bookmark (uses current dir if no path)
       -r: Replace bookmark (uses current dir if no path)
       -d: Delete bookmark
       -l: List all currently enabled bookmarks

Requirements: Needs to be sourced from a zsh startup file, or use oh-my-zsh



If you're using Antigen, just add antigen bundle MikeDacre/cdbk to your .zshrc file where you're loading your other zsh plugins.


  1. mkdir -p ~/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
  2. cd ~/oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
  3. git clone git@github.com:MikeDacre/cdbk.git
  4. echo "plugins+=(cdbk)" >> ~/.zshrc


If you're using Zgen, add zgen load MikeDacre/cdbk to your .zshrc file where you're loading your other zsh plugins.

Created by: Mike Dacre

Created on: 19-11-11

Version: 1.1

License: MIT License - Open Source. Use as you wish