


Satchel is a dataflow framework based on the Flux architecture. It is characterized by exposing an observable state that makes view updates painless and efficient.

npm Build Status License: MIT


Satchel is an attempt to synthesize the best of several dataflow patterns typically used to drive a React-based UI. In particular:


There are a number of advantages to using Satchel to maintain your application state:


Install via NPM:

npm install satcheljs --save

In order to use Satchel with React, you'll also need MobX and the MobX React bindings:

npm install mobx --save

npm install mobx-react --save


The following examples assume you're developing in Typescript.

Create a store with some initial state

import { createStore } from 'satcheljs';

let getStore = createStore(
    { todos: [] }

Create a component that consumes your state

Notice the @observer decorator on the component—this is what tells MobX to rerender the component whenever the data it relies on changes.

import { observer } from 'mobx-react';

class TodoListComponent extends React.Component<any, any> {
    render() {
        return (
                {getStore().todos.map(todo => <div>{todo.text}</div>)}

Implement an action creator

Note that, as a convenience, Satchel action creators created with the action API both create and dispatch the action. This is typically how you want to use action creators. If you want to create and dispatch the actions separately you can use the actionCreator and dispatch APIs.

import { action } from 'satcheljs';

let addTodo = action(
    (text: string) => ({ text: text })

// This creates and dispatches an ADD_TODO action
addTodo('Take out trash');

Implement a mutator

You specify what action a mutator subscribes to by providing the corresponding action creator. If you're using TypeScript, the type of actionMessage is automatically inferred.

import { mutator } from 'satcheljs';

mutator(addTodo, (actionMessage) => {
        id: Math.random(),
        text: actionMessage.text


Orchestrators are like mutators—they subscribe to actions—but they serve a different purpose. While mutators modify the store, orchestrators are responsible for side effects. Side effects might include making a server call or even dispatching further actions.

The following example shows how an orchestrator can persist a value to a server before updating the store.

import { action, orchestrator } from 'satcheljs';

let requestAddTodo = action(
    (text: string) => ({ text: text })

orchestrator(requestAddTodo, async (actionMessage) => {
    await addTodoOnServer(actionMessage.text);


In many cases a given action only needs to be handled by one mutator. Satchel provides this utility API which encapsulates action creation, dispatch, and handling in one simple function call.

The addTodo mutator above could be implemented as follows:

let addTodo = mutatorAction(
    function addTodo(text: string) {
            id: Math.random(),
            text: actionMessage.text

This is a succinct and easy way to write mutators, but it comes with a restriction: the action creator is not exposed, so no other mutators or orchestrators can subscribe to it. If an action needs multiple handlers then it must use the full pattern with action creators and handlers implemented separately.

License - MIT