

This repository is for the "Overcoming Multi-Model Forgetting in One-Shot NAS With Diversity Maximization" accepted by IEEE CVPR 2020.


Python == 3.6.2, PyTorch == 1.0.0, cuda-9.0, cudnn7.1-9.0

Please download the CIFAR100 dataset in https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-100-python.tar.gz, and save it in the 'data' folder

Pretrained models

cd CNN && python test.py --auxiliary --model_path ./trained_models/Random_NSAS_CIFAR10_best.pt --arch Random_NSAS
cd CNN && python test_100.py --auxiliary --model_path ./trained_models/Random_NSAS_CIFAR100.pt --arch Random_NSAS

cd CNN && python test_100.py --auxiliary --model_path ./trained_models/Random_C_CIFAR100/weights.pt --arch Random_NSAS_C

cd CNN && python test_imagenet.py --auxiliary --model_path ./trained_models/Random_NSAS_C_imagenet/model_best.pth.tar --arch  Random_NSAS_C 

cd CNN && python test_imagenet.py --auxiliary --model_path ./trained_models/Random-NSAS-C with PDARTS setting/model_best.pth.tar --arch  Random_NSAS_C 

cd RNN && python test.py --model_path ./trained_models/Random_NSAS_PTB.pt

Architecture search (using small proxy models)

Conduct architecture search, run

cd CNN && python GDAS_NSAS_demo.py
cd CNN && python GDAS_NSAS_C_demo.py
cd CNN && python RandomNAS_NSAS_demo.py
cd CNN && python RandomNAS_NSAS_C_demo.py

Architecture evaluation (using full-sized models)

To evaluate our best cells by training from scratch, run

cd CNN && python train.py --auxiliary --cutout            # CIFAR-10
cd CNN && python train_100.py --auxiliary --cutout            # CIFAR-100
cd CNN && python train_imagenet.py --auxiliary        # imagenet
cd RNN && python train.py                                 # PTB

Architecture Visualization

Package graphviz is required to visualize the learned cells, visulize the best reported architectures in this paper

cd CNN && python visualize.py Random_NSAS 
cd CNN && python visualize.py Random_NSAS_C
cd RNN && python visualize.py Random_NSAS 

Codes and Experimental results on NAS-Bench-201

Please find these codes and results in NAS-Bench-201 folder


If you use our code in your research, please cite our paper accordingly.

  title={Overcoming Multi-Model Forgetting in One-Shot NAS with Diversity Maximization},
  author={Zhang, Miao and Li, Huiqi and Pan, Shirui and Chang, Xiaojun and Su, Steven},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},