


An open source alternative to Substance Designer written in C#.

Alpha RC 0.0.2 - Eye Example


What is the current state of it?

Pre-Alpha as quite a bit is still changing, and not all features are available yet.

Computer Requirements

Currently only runs on Windows as some Win32Api is used.

.mtg file format for graphs and nodes may change during these initial phases.

Help with Localization

If you are able to, please help localize the UI to your native language. The base language is English. For all current known data to localize: https://github.com/Metric/Materia/blob/master/Materia/Properties/Resources.resx

I could totally push this through google translate, but it is just horrible results sometimes. I would prefer an actual person to do the localization that knows the language they are translating to.

The modifed resource file should be saved as follows: Resources.Language Tag.resx. For example Portuguese Brazil would be Resources.pt-BR.resx or for general Portuguese would be Resources.pt.resx.

For Language Tag to use refer to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-lcid/a9eac961-e77d-41a6-90a5-ce1a8b0cdb9c?redirectedfrom=MSDN

If you don't want to do a pull request with the resource file change. Please post the file in Discord chat.

Major TODO

Intel Processor Warning

If you are using a laptop with both an Intel processor and a discrete GPU. Please make sure in your discrete GPU control panel, Materia is set to use the discete GPU, rather than Intel processor. Intel processor GPU is not supported in some cases, or may produce incorrect results, compared to a proper NVIDIA or Radeon discrete GPU.

Known Bugs

How-To and Various Info

How-to and various info on available features can be found in the github wiki: https://github.com/Metric/Materia/wiki

Build Dependencies

Editor Build Instructions

Command Line MTG Renderer Build Instructions



I want to support this project, how can I help?

To Be Determined...