This plugin has all functionality of OMZ cargo completion but it also allows cargo add/install <tab>
to complete remote crates from output of cargo search
It also adds several cargo aliases.
alias co=cargo
alias cr='cargo run'
alias cl='cargo clean'
alias ccy='cargo clippy'
alias cb='cargo build --release'
alias ct='cargo test'
alias ca='cargo add'
alias ci='cargo install'
alias cfi='cargo fix'
alias cf='cargo fmt'
alias cfe='cargo fetch'
alias cpa='cargo package'
alias cs='cargo search'
alias cfa='cargo fmt; cargo fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged'
Install for Zinit
source "$HOME/.zinit/bin/zinit.zsh"
zinit ice lucid nocompile
zinit load MenkeTechnologies/zsh-cargo-completion
Install for Oh My Zsh
cd "$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins" && git clone
Add zsh-cargo-completion
to plugins array in ~/.zshrc
General Install
git clone
source zsh-cargo-completion.plugin.zsh or add code to zshrc or any startup script