


.NET REST Client Framework for all platforms


RestClient.Net is a powerful .NET REST API client that features task-based async, strong types, and dependency injection support for all platforms. Use it to consume ASP.NET Core Web APIs or interact with RESTful APIs over the internet in C#, F#, or Visual Basic. It's designed with functional-style programming and F# in mind.

NuGet: RestClient.Net

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6.0 Release

This release updates all dependencies and targets major versions of .NET: 4.5, 5, 6, and 7.

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Key Features



For a complete set of examples, see these unit tests.

POST an Object and get Response

using var client =
    //Build the Url from the host name
    new Client("jsonplaceholder.typicode.com".ToHttpsUriFromHost());

UserPost userPost = await client.PostAsync<UserPost, UserPost>(
    //POST the UserPost to the server
    new UserPost { title = "Title" }, "posts"

Dependency Injection (RestClient.Net.DependencyInjection NuGet Package)

Wiring it up

var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection()
    //Add a service which has an IClient dependency
    .AddSingleton<IGetString, GetString1>()
    //Add RestClient.Net with a default Base Url of http://www.test.com
    .AddRestClient((o) => o.BaseUrl = "http://www.test.com".ToAbsoluteUrl());

//Use HttpClient dependency injection
_ = serviceCollection.AddHttpClient();

Getting a Global IClient in a Service

public class GetString1 : IGetString
    public IClient Client { get; }

    public GetString1(IClient client) => Client = client;

    public async Task<string> GetStringAsync() => await Client.GetAsync<string>();

Getting a IClient Using a Factory

public class GetString2 : IGetString
    public IClient Client { get; }

    public GetString2(CreateClient createClient)
        //Use the options to set the BaseUrl or other properties on the Client
        Client = createClient("test", (o) => { o.BaseUrl = o.BaseUrl with { Host = "www.test.com" }; });

    public async Task<string> GetStringAsync() => await Client.GetAsync<string>();

Make Call and Construct Client

//This constructs an AbsoluteUrl from the string, makes the GET call, and deserializes the JSON to a strongly typed list
//The response also contains a Client with the base of the Url that you can reuse
//Note: not available on .NET 4.5

var response = await "https://restcountries.eu/rest/v2"

Query Github Issues with GraphQL (You must authorize GraphQL Github App)

using RestClient.Net.Abstractions.Extensions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Urls;

namespace RestClient.Net
    public static class GitHubGraphQLMethods
        public static async Task<T> GetIssues<T>(string repo, string accessToken)
        => (await "https://api.github.com/graphql"
            .PostAsync<QueryResponse<T>, QueryRequest>(
                new QueryRequest("{ search(query: \"repo:" + repo + "\", type: ISSUE, first: 100) {nodes {... on Issue { number title body } } }}")
                , HeadersExtensions.FromBearerToken(accessToken)
            .Append("User-Agent", "RestClient.Net"))).Response.Body.data.search;

    public record QueryRequest(string query);
    public record Issue(int? number, string title, string body);
    public record Issues(List<Issue> nodes);
    public record Data<T>(T search);
    public record QueryResponse<T>(Data<T> data);


Url Construction with F#

member this.TestComposition () =

    let uri =
        .AddQueryParameter("fieldname1", "field<>Value1")
        .WithCredentials("username", "password")
        .AddQueryParameter("FieldName2", "field<>Value2")
        .WithPath("pathpart1", "pathpart2")

