

📚 vocabs

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📚 A lightweight online dictionary integration to the command line. No browsers. No paperbacks.

<p align=center><img src="./asset/gifs/demo.gif" width="1000"/></p>

Setting Up

$ pip install vocabs


📆 Word of the Day!

📈 Trending words!

❓ Directly query words from the command line.

📓 Save words to your local dictionary.

📝 Add notes to saved words.

🎮 Interactive word game to hone your vocabulary skills.

So how is this different from dict ?

<p align=center> <img src="./asset/gifs/dicthello.gif" width="400"> <img src="./asset/gifs/vocabhello.gif" width="400"> </p>

dict is the client for DICT, or the Dictionary Server Protocol on Unix-like platforms. It is used to query natural language dictionaries without firing up a bloaty browser, which tremendously slows down your workflow.

Vocab aims to do the same as dict, only with some differences:

All in all, Vocab is a great tool for fast word queries with easy-to-read definitions, and a good support for ESL users.


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🔥 Launch vocab anywhere on your terminal.

$ vocab


$ vocab

    --mode, -m ['query', 'edit', 'dict', 'interactive']
    --file, -f <path to word list>
    --reset, -r
    --count, -c
    --lucky, -l
    --trend, t

Feeling Lucky

📆 Word of the Day.

$ vocab -l
<img src="./asset/gifs/lucky.gif" width="600"/>

Trending Words

📈 Shows a list of frequently searched words.

$ vocab -t
<img src="./asset/gifs/trending.gif" width="600"/>

Query Mode

❓ Directly search and save unknown words from the command line.

$ vocab -m query
<img src="./asset/gifs/query.gif" width="600"/>

Dictionary Mode

📓 Scroll though pages to search for saved words.

$ vocab -m dict
<img src="./asset/gifs/dict.gif" width="600"/>

Edit mode

✏️ Edit your save words and add notes.

$ vocab -m edit
<img src="./asset/gifs/edit.gif" width="600"/>

Interactive Mode

🎮 Test your vocabulary skills with the interactive mode.

$ vocab -m interactive
<img src="./asset/gifs/interactive.gif" width="600"/>

Load Word List

📜 Load a list of words from to your local dictionary.

$ vocab -f <path to file>
<img src="./asset/gifs/file.gif" width="600"/>

Count Total Words

🔢 Count number of words saved in your local dictionary.

$ vocab -c
<img src="./asset/gifs/count.gif" width="600"/>

Reset Local Dictionary

$ vocab -r


$ vocab -h
