dav4jvm is a WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV library for JVM (Java/Kotlin). It has been developed for DAVx⁵ initially.
Generated KDoc:
For questions, suggestions etc. use Github discussions. We're happy about contributions, but please let us know in the discussions before. Then make the changes in your own repository and send a pull request.
You can use to include dav4jvm:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.bitfireAT:dav4jvm:<version or commit>' // see tags for latest version, like 1.0, or use the latest commit ID from main branch
//implementation 'com.github.bitfireAT:dav4jvm:main-SNAPSHOT' // use it only for testing because it doesn't generate reproducible builds
dav4jvm needs a working XmlPullParser (XPP). On Android, the system already comes with
XPP and you don't need to include one; on other systems, you may need to
import for instance org.ogce:xpp3
to get dav4jvm to work.
First, you'll need to set up an OkHttp instance. Use BasicDigestAuthHandler
to configure the credentials:
val authHandler = BasicDigestAuthHandler(
domain = null, // Optional, to only authenticate against hosts with this domain.
username = "user1",
password = "pass1"
val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
Here's an example to create and download a file:
val location = "".toHttpUrl()
val davCollection = DavCollection(account.requireClient(), location)
// Create a text file
davCollection.put("World".toRequestBody(contentType = "text/plain".toMediaType()) { response ->
// Upload successful!
// Download a text file
davCollection.get(accept = "", headers = null) { response ->
// Download successful!
To list a folder's contents, you need to pass in which properties to fetch:
val location = "".toHttpUrl()
val davCollection = DavCollection(account.requireClient(), location)
davCollection.propfind(depth = 1, DisplayName.NAME, GetLastModified.NAME) { response, relation ->
// This callback will be called for every file in the folder.
// Use `` to access the successfully retrieved properties.
Custom properties
If you use custom WebDAV properties, register the corresponding factories with PropertyRegistry.register()
before calling other dav4jvm methods.
Contact / License
dav4jvm is licensed under Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.