


Keep it tidy.

Typst Package MIT License User Manual

tidy is a package that generates documentation directly in Typst for your Typst modules. It parses docstring comments similar to javadoc and co. and can be used to easily build a beautiful reference section for the parsed module. Within the docstring you may use (almost) any Typst syntax − so markup, equations and even figures are no problem!


The guide fully describes the usage of this module and defines the format for the docstrings.


Using tidy is as simple as writing some docstrings and calling:

#import "@preview/tidy:0.3.0"

#let docs = tidy.parse-module(read("my-module.typ"))
#tidy.show-module(docs, style: tidy.styles.default)

The available predefined styles are currenty tidy.styles.default and tidy.styles.minimal. Custom styles can be added by hand (take a look at the guide).


A full example on how to use this module for your own package (maybe even consisting of multiple files) can be found at examples.

/// This function computes the cardinal sine, $sinc(x)=sin(x)/x$. 
/// #example(`#sinc(0)`, mode: "markup")
/// - x (int, float): The argument for the cardinal sine function. 
/// -> float
#let sinc(x) = if x == 0 {1} else {calc.sin(x) / x}

tidy turns this into:

<h3 align="center"> <img alt="Tidy example output" src="docs/images/sincx-docs.svg" style="max-width: 100%; padding: 10px 10px; box-shadow: 1pt 1pt 10pt 0pt #AAAAAA; border-radius: 4pt; box-sizing: border-box; background: white"> </h3>

Access user-defined functions and images

The code in the docstrings is evaluated via eval(). In order to access user-defined functions and images, you can make use of the scope argument of tidy.parse-module():

    import "my-module.typ"
    let module = tidy.parse-module(read("my-module.typ"))
    let an-image = image("img.png")
        style: tidy.styles.default,
        scope: (my-module: my-module, img: an-image)

The docstrings in my-module.typ may now access the image with #img and can call any function or variable from my-module in the style of #my-module.my-function(). This makes rendering examples right in the docstrings as easy as a breeze!

Generate a help command for you package

With tidy, you can add a help command to you package that allows users to obtain the documentation of a specific definition or parameter right in the document. This is similar to CLI-style help commands. If you have already written docstrings for your package, it is quite low-effort to add this feature. Once set up, the end-user can use it like this:

// happily coding, but how do I use this one complex function again?

#mypackage.help("func(param1)") // print only parameter description of param1

This will print the documentation of func directly into the document — no need to look it up in a manual. Read up in the guide for setup instructions.

Docstring tests

It is possible to add simple docstring tests — assertions that will be run when the documentation is generated. This is useful if you want to keep small tests and documentation in one place.

/// #test(
///   `num.my-square(2) == 4`,
///   `num.my-square(4) == 16`,
/// )
#let my-square(n) = n * n

With the short-hand syntax, a unfulfilled assertion will even print the line number of the failed test:

/// >>> my-square(2) == 4
/// >>> my-square(4) == 16
#let my-square(n) = n * n

A few test assertion functions are available to improve readability, simplicity, and error messages. Currently, these are eq(a, b) for equality tests, ne(a, b) for inequality tests and approx(a, b, eps: 1e-10) for floating point comparisons. These assertion helper functions are always available within docstring tests (with both test() and >>> syntax).





Initial Release.