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MaleX is a curated dataset of malware and benign Windows executable samples for malware researchers. The dataset contains 1,044,394 Windows executable binaries and corresponding image representations with 864,669 labelled as malware and 179,725 as benign. This dataset has a reasonable number of samples and is sufficient to test data-driven machine learning classification methods and also to measure the performance of the designed models in terms of scalability and adaptability.

Malware Visualization in Frequency Domain

The motivation to visualize malware in the frequency domain is because of the "sparse" feature representations of malware in the literature that are typically extracted from raw bytes of the binaries or disassembled instructions (n-grams, n-perms).

A given executable binary file is read as a 16-bit signed hexadecimal vector and divided into corresponding bi-grams (n-grams of bytes with n=2). As an example, for the byte-stream 0a1bc48a, the corresponding bi-grams will be 0a1b, 1bc4 and c48a. We then use the bi-gram frequency count to get a sparse image of dimensions 256x256 (where each pixel intensity value corresponds to the normalized frequency count of a particular bi-gram). The image dimensions are the primary reason for choosing bi-grams (n=2) as it aids image-based machine learning classification with low time complexity in the training phase. Finally, we compute the full frame Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) of this image to de-sparsify and get a resulting "bigram-dct" image with distinctive textured patterns. Before normalizing frequency count to get the sparse image, we zero out the first frequency count value corresponding to the bi-gram 0000, as this value is relatively very large compared to that of other bi-grams and the bi-gram either corresponds to empty space or new line(s) in the code with no useful information. The overview of the proposed feature extraction method is shown below.

Bigram-dct image


Comparing Malware Visualization Methods

Previous research has shown that malware variants belonging to the same family exhibit visual similarity in the byteplot images. These are based on the visualization of malware binaries in the spatial domain by converting bytes to pixels. The frequency domain-based visualization is another such "orthogonal" depiction of malware binary that is shown (in our paper, Malware Detection Using Frequency Domain-Based Image Visualization and Deep Learning) to aid computer vision algorithms to detect malware. The comparison of the byteplot and "bigram-dct" representations is shown in the figure below.

Byteplot vs Bigram-DCT

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We are not responsible, or liable to you or any third party, for the content or accuracy of any materials provided by us. Data release is conditioned on accepting the following terms to avoid the dataset being misused.

Just so you know, your request will be ignored if you are unable to follow these conditions. Also, while filling out the form, please make sure that the message's character length is between 20 and 1000, and/or the PDF attachment is less than 2MB.



If you use MaleX in your research or wish to refer to the content published here, please use the following BibTeX entry to cite our paper, Malware Detection Using Frequency Domain-Based Image Visualization and Deep Learning (2021):

  title={Malware Detection Using Frequency Domain-Based Image Visualization and Deep Learning},
  author={Mohammed, Tajuddin Manhar and Nataraj, Lakshmanan and Chikkagoudar, Satish and Chandrasekaran, Shivkumar and Manjunath, BS},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences},

Related Works

The Malimg Dataset that contains 9,339 malware byteplot images from 25 families can be downloaded here.

Please feel free to check out our other related published works:

Also, check out our web-accessible (beta) service, MalSee which recasts suspect software binaries as images and exploits computer vision techniques to detect malware automatically.

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MaleX is released under GPL-3.0 License.

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