

NymphCast Client Library (libnymphcast)

Libnymphcast is a library containing the core functionality for a NymphCast client. This includes:

Binary releases

Binary releases of libnymphrpc are available for the following platforms:

Alpine-based: libnymphcast

FreeBSD: FreshPorts - nymphcastlib


A C language binding is available in the bindings/c/ folder, with an example C application in bindings/c/example. After building and installing the libnymphcast library following the below instructions, or installing a binary version (see above), the Makefile in the bindings/c/example/ folder can be used to build the example client.

In order to use the C binding, two files are needed: the nymphcast_client_c.h header that contains the C-style API, and the nymphcast_client_c.cpp source file that should be compiled as C++ and linked into the final binary.

Compile from source

To compile libnymphcast from source, the following dependencies must be installed:

After this, the project can be compiled using a C++11 capable GCC compiler and make.

After calling make in the root of the project folder, the library can be found in the lib/ folder in a platform-specific sub-folder. Installation of the library and headers is performed with sudo make install or make install (MSYS2).


For MSVC-based installation, an automated setup script using vcpkg is provided. This supports MSVC 2017, 2019 and 2022. Execute it from an x64 native MSVC shell:


By default this installs the compiled library to D:\Libraries\LibNymphCast.

Android target

In order to compile for Android platforms, ensure that the Clang-based cross-compiler is accessible on the system PATH, and that libPoco has been compiled & made available. The use of the POCO-build project is recommended here.

With these dependencies in place, compiling for any of the specific Android platforms is done by adding any of the following behind the make command:


On supported platforms (Linux-based), installation of the library can be performed using:

sudo make install