tmux filter plugin
This plugin adds an option to filter your current buffer by some text/pattern. I was missing the feature from the vscode terminal when viewing dev server logs in tmux, so I added it in tmux.
- Install TPM.
- Add the following line to the top of your tmux file:
set -g @plugin 'MaximilianGaedig/tmux-filter'
- press
+ <kbd>F</kbd> - enter the grep pattern you want to search by
- a new window opens which shows you all the lines in the buffer that match the pattern
- there you can use normal tmux copy mode to scroll up/down and copy and whatever you want to do
- to exit it just do Ctrl+C and you're back to the unfiltered view
If you find a bug/feature you think this should have please feel free to open a pull request or issue :)